10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO

"Jesus Glory" Tagged Teaching

The Exclusive Glory of Jesus Christ

Luke 9:32-36 Open your Bibles and turn to Luke 9. We’re going to be returning, here, to Luke’s account of the transfiguration, Luke 9:28-36. We actually started this account last week and learned about the setting for the transfiguration. We heard about the unveiling of Christ’s divine glory, the meeting then, that took place up on the mountain between Jesus, Moses, and…

The Unveiling of Jesus Christ

Luke 9:28-31 Open your Bibles to Luke chapter 9, and verse 28. Luke 9:28. We’ve come to a place in Luke’s Gospel of particular wonder, and God, here, by the Spirit, is giving us a brief look behind the veil to see the glory of Jesus Christ. That’s what’s on display, here, in Luke 9:28-36. So without further ado, let’s get right…