10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO

Teaching by Bret Hastings

Let Us Run to Jesus, Part 2

Hebrews 12:1-3 Last week we started a two-part message out of Hebrews chapter 12, which I entitled Let us run to Jesus. Let us run to Jesus. And if you would turn in your Bibles back there to Hebrews chapter 12. And by way of introduction this morning, I just want to maybe take a snapshot from the book The Pilgrim’s Progress.…

Blessed are Those Who Bless Yahweh

Psalm 144   Today we are going to be in Psalm 144, if you would like to turn there in your Bibles, now. I thought I would do something complementary to what Josh has been going through in James, and I don’t know about you, but I’ve been pretty convicted the last few weeks. A with a great concern for being careful about…

The Goodness of Good Friday

Isaiah 53 It is my joy and ah pleasure to open the word of God with all of you this evening for our Good Friday service. And tonight I wanted to speak to something that Josh already mentioned. And there’s something that I hear this time of, of year, whether it’s a meme floating around or even Christians saying it. But every…

God’s Grace to Miserable Mankind

Romans 3:21-26 It is wonderful to be back again this morning with you all. Last week we would begin two-part miniseries looking at the sinfulness of man and the righteousness of God. This morning is what we’ll get to out of Romans chapter 3. So, if you’re not there, go ahead and turn with me to Romans chapter 3. And last week,…

Paul’s Portrait of Miserable Mankind

Romans 3:9-20 Today and next week we’re gonna be in Romans chapter 3. So if you’re not there already, please turn there in, in, your Bibles. And my prayer, as we look at these verses the next couple weeks, my prayer is that we would have just a reinvigorated, a renewed appreciation for the salvation provided for us in Jesus Christ. Just…

God’s Word: Its Ministry and Excellency as Applied to the Believer in Contrast to the Virtual World

Psalm 19:7-14 If you missed last week, we started into Psalm 19. And we looked at the first 6 verses of that psalm, which talked about general revelation: the created world, its nature, its effects, and how we can apply that. And today we’re gonna finish up this psalm talking about special revelation, the revealed Word of God, and the right response…

Jonah’s Callous Heart Confronted

Jonah 4 If you would turn in your copy of the scriptures to Jonah and as we come to the end of the book of Jonah, we’re reminded of the beginning of the book. As we see Jonah at the end, he resembles much the same hard hearted, calloused man that he resembled at the beginning in chapter 1. When Yahweh initially…