10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO

"faith" Tagged Teaching

A Faith Diagnostic

James 2:18-26 If you turn in your Bibles to James chapter 2, James chapter 2:18-26, that’s going to be what we look at today. Last week we started into this section beginning in verse 14 of James 2. It is one of the most famous sections of the book of James and probably one of the more famous sections in all of…

How to Grow Strong in Faith, Part 2

Luke 9:42-45 How to Grow Strong in the Faith, Part 2 Luke 9:42-45 April 21, 2019 All that is Grace Church is explained by the resurrection and the resurrection power. It’s the power that raised Christ from the dead, conquered the grave, claimed victory over death itself. That’s the power that saves people, literally, saves lives, saves and sanctifies, transforms people, making…

How to Grow Strong in Faith, Part 1

Luke 9:37-45 We are returning to Luke 9:37-45, so you’ll want to turn there in your Bibles. And we are learning, here, the importance of having a strong, strong faith, the importance of believing God, the vital importance of trusting wholly and consistently in Christ and his Word, his promises, his truth. And as we saw last week, that’s something that most…

Perfecting an Imperfect Faith, Part 2

Luke 8:40-56 Well, for our time in God’s Word, this morning, we hope to finish the account that we started last week. So please turn in your Bibles to Luke, chapter 8 and verse 40. Luke 8:40. We’ll be going through that account to the end of the chapter, verse 56. At the end of Luke, chapter 8, we are seeing Jesus…

Perfecting an Imperfect Faith, Part 1

Luke 8:40-48  We are coming into a section here at the end of Luke 8, if you’d like to turn in your Bibles there.  The section that really does wrap up the chapter, verses 40 to 56. We have seen in this eighth chapter of Luke some I, really what, what could we call them?  Dramatic displays of divine power in Jesus’…

The Faith of the Centurion, Part 2

Luke 7:6-10 I want to welcome you back to part 2 of what we began last week.  So you will want to grab your Bibles and turn over to Luke 7.  Let’s finish the story of the faith of the centurion.  We’re going to start here, as we do, by reading the account, followed by a short review, and then we’ll pick…