10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO



Travis Allen, Pastor

Raised in Golden, CO, Travis joined the military in 1988, where God regenerated him to new life and faith in Christ in 1990. He met and married Melinda in 1993, and God has given them five wonderful children, a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law, and one granddaughter.

Travis was educated for pastoral ministry at The College at Southeastern (B.A., 1997) and The Master’s Seminary (M.Div., 2006), further refined while ministering at Grace to You and Grace Community Church. He’s continuing his education at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.

Travis has been pastoring at Grace Church since 2014, equipping the saints for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:12), proclaiming Christ, warning and teaching with ever-increasing wisdom, to present the members of Grace Church mature in Christ (Col. 1:28).

Josh Oedy, Associate Pastor

A Greeley, Colorado native, Josh grew up attending Grace Church. He came to faith in Jesus Christ in 1997. He was involved in youth and college ministry while attending the University of Northern Colorado where he received his B.A. in 2003. After graduating he spent two years doing campus ministry at the University of Oregon.

Josh married his wonderful wife Diana in 2005 and she has been a tremendous blessing and his greatest asset in ministry ever since. God has blessed them with five precious children: Lana, Nathan, Ava, Ella, and Caiden. They lived in Kentucky from 2005 until 2016 where Josh attended The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M. Div., 2010) and served as Youth Pastor for Mount Moriah Baptist Church in Mt. Eden from 2007 until they moved back to Colorado in 2016 to be a part of what God was doing at Grace Church.

After serving as a lay teacher for a year Josh became Student Director at Grace Church in May of 2017, was ordained at Grace Church in 2018, and now serves as an associate pastor. He strives to live according to God’s high calling for those in pastoral ministry found in 2 Tim. 4:2-5.

Bret Hastings, Associate Pastor

Bret was born and raised in Greeley Colorado and attended Grace Church as he grew up. The Lord saved him in 2001 and has had a desire to serve the Lord ever since. After high school he was involved in college and student ministries at Grace Church while he worked full time in the construction industry.

In 2007 Bret married Kayla, who is the most perfect helpmeet the Lord could have provided. She is his greatest encouragement and does all she can to support him in the ministry the Lord has given them. The Lord has blessed them with three girls: Kyree, Alexis, and Elizabeth.

Bret’s desire for the ministry materialized into a full time position at the church, and in 2012 was given the Student Director position. After several years of ministry, Bret and the Elders of Grace Church decided it would be best for him to get further education for the ministry that he might return to help equip the saints for the ministry (Eph. 4:11-12).

His family moved to California in 2017 to attend The Master’s Seminary in pursuit of a formal theological education in order to better serve Grace Church. Bret graduated in May 2020 with a B.A. of Theology from the The Master’s Seminary and eagerly returned to Grace Church that same month, to be a part of what the Lord is doing in Greeley.

He was ordained at Grace church in 2021, and he now serves as an associate pastor—training the saints to be the means by which Jesus Christ builds his church, which prevails against the gates of hell (Matt. 16:18).

Gary Oedy, Elder

Born near Toledo, Ohio, Gary was raised in a Roman Catholic home, but came to faith in Jesus Christ in 1969. The Holy Spirit drew him, revealed the truthfulness of God’s Word, and convinced him of the faithfulness of God to keep His promises. He moved to Greeley in 1973 and attended the inaugural service of Grace Church.

After meeting his wife Barbara in high school, Gary married her in 1976. God has given them two children and nine grandchildren. Throughout his time at Grace, Gary has served in many capacities: leading and teaching middle-school, high-school, and college students; discipling and counseling; deacon and elder.

Gary has enjoyed the privilege of watching God’s faithfulness to Grace Church over many years. He is excited to see what God has in store as the church strives together to exalt Jesus Christ, honor His Word, and seek to glorify God in everything.

Bill Willcutts, Elder

By God’s Grace the Lord chose to save Bill at the age of 28 while living in the Pacific Northwest.

The local church preaching and proclaiming the Gospel has been the normal means of grace in which people are saved, and the Great Commission is given and fulfilled in the local church.  It has been Bill’s honor to serve in various capacities in the local church evangelizing and discipling for the glory of God in the gospel of Christ.

While serving as an airline pilot for 40 years (and having lots of time to read!), Bill was able to nurture a desire for intentional and intensive discipleship, which began a lifelong interest in Biblical counseling.  He currently serves Grace Church as the Director of Biblical Counseling along with 18 other trained counselors who love to apply God’s Word to God’s people for God’s glory.

Bill and Tricia, his wife since 1978, have two sons and two daughters (by marriage) and enjoy the proximity of 5 grandchildren.  He has been known to chase fish anywhere they can be chased.











Biblical Counseling Secretary



Children’s Ministry Director



Administrative Assistant



Music Director