10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO

"James" Tagged Teaching

Diagnosing the Wrong Kind of Wisdom

James 3:14-16 We’re going to be returning to the section at the end of James 3 that we started covering last week, and which we will finish up next week. Last week we only really covered the first verse of James 3:13-18, as we took the rhetorical question that James asked at the beginning of verse 13. And then we used it…

The Question of Wisdom

James 3:13 Today we’re in the book of James. So if you’d open your Bibles to James chapter 3, James chapter 3, we’re continuing on in this book, and it’s a new section of the book from the last time I was up here. We’ll be beginning to look at the section which is in verses 13-18 of James chapter 3. We…

The Weight of Our Words, Part 2

James 3:5-12 James chapter 3, we will be continuing today in the section that we started last week, the section of the letter of James on the subject of the importance of Christian speech, the importance of how we use our tongue. And just once again, as a reminder when we talk about this topic, you should apply it to text messages,…

The Weight of Our Words, Part 1

James 3:1-5 We’re in James 3 today, so if you’d get your Bibles and turn to the book of James and chapter 3. Today we come to a new section in the letter from James. Scholars and commentators alike recognize that in the beginning of chapter 3, James is now transitioning, moving on to a new topic, the topic of Christian speech.…

A Faith Diagnostic

James 2:18-26 If you turn in your Bibles to James chapter 2, James chapter 2:18-26, that’s going to be what we look at today. Last week we started into this section beginning in verse 14 of James 2. It is one of the most famous sections of the book of James and probably one of the more famous sections in all of…

The Serious Nature of Sinful Partiality

James 2:8-13 Turn in your Bibles to James, chapter 2, James, chapter 2. And this morning we’re going to be finishing up this fairly long section of James’ instruction when it comes to the sin of partiality. This will be the third sermon that I’ve done, the third sermon from this section; and if you remember, in the first one we just…

Correcting our Perspective on Partiality

James 2:2-7 Today we come to a section that would maybe be a little odd normally for a one-off sermon, but it is in the kind providence of God, it actually fits quite nicely with where Travis was last week at the end of Luke 20 and the beginning of Luke 21, in that excellent sermon that you should go listen to…

The Gospel Rebukes our Sinful Partiality

James 2:1 If you’d open your Bibles to James chapter 2, James chapter 2, today we’re going to begin to make our way into the main body of the letter of James by looking at the first verse in James chapter 2. So up to this point in the book of James, we’ve spent quite a bit of time going through what…