10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO

Teaching on Psalms (Page 3)

To motivate the reader to worship God through a collection of poetic works dedicated to extolling the great acts of God in creation and history, and in the history of Israel in particular.

Life and Strength from God

Psalm 119:25-32 Travis: All right, guys, let’s pray.  Father, I want to thank you again for tonight and for another chance to go through this precious, precious Psalm.  We find ourselves, like the psalmist does, we find ourselves sometimes weary, in need of strength.  And this is a perfect, just a perfect stanza for us.  So I pray that you would minister…

The Close Companionship of God’s Word

Travis: Our Father, thank you for the night that we have and the opportunity we have to, to look again at this wonderful Psalm.  We thank you for, for your inspiration.  We thank you for the inscripturation of this, this treasure.  Every single line is filled with wisdom and also just the, the comfort of a, of a fellow pilgrim.  A fellow…

The Pure Pursuit of Purity

Psalm 119:9-16 Okay, so Psalm 119, go ahead and turn there in your Bibles.  And welcome, everyone.  If you remember from last time as we were getting into Psalm 119, we’ve already done the Aleph stanza.  Tonight, we’re going to get into the Beth stanza.  So the first eight verses we’ve covered.  And hopefully, we’ll cover verses 9 to 16 tonight.    And…