10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO

Teaching (Page 88)

Great Before the Lord

Luke 1:14-17 I want to begin reading this morning in the text we’re going to study, and that’s Luke 1:13 to 17.  Follow along as I read. “The angel said to Zechariah, ‘Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John.  And you will…

A Startling Answer to Prayer

Luke 1:8-13 So, as we saw last time, the story we just kind of dipped our toe into the water a little bit—that story began with a faithful couple, an older couple—a righteous priest named Zechariah and his righteous wife Elizabeth, and as we talked about in some detail last time, they were living in some very, very dark times, this couple.…

The Parents of the Forerunner

Luke 1:5-7   And, as we noted before, Luke goes further back than any other gospel writer in telling the story about Jesus’ life and ministry.  He goes all the way back to the angelic announcement of the birth of John the Baptist.  Why does he do that?  Is he just trying to show up the other gospel writers? No, he’s got…

Luke, the Beloved Physician

Selected Scriptures   Last week we considered the prologue, and we talked about the author’s diligence in his research, his concern for accuracy and his goal of providing his readers, starting with Theophilus, with certainty about the gospel.  The one thing we have not seen in the biblical records is a clear statement about who wrote it.  Why do we say Luke…

Gospel Certainty for Gentile Sinners, Part 2

Luke 1:1-4 We’re going to take some time just at the outset of this study to get this introductory look at Luke. We, we spent some time there last week in introduction. This week, I’ve got one more week of introduction. We want to do a little bit of a biography of Luke, next week, so we’ll talk about that. But it’s…