Teaching (Page 88)

Teaching (Page 88)

Unchanging Truths in Times of Change

Selected Scriptures Today is June 28th, 2015, just two days after a historic milestone in this country’s decline, as we’re watching the country rapidly decline.  That decline has accelerated.  I don’t know if you’ve been watching the news, but it’s, it’s going very, very fast.  On Friday, June 26th, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States overstepped its authority and declared a new definition of marriage.    The law of the land today, across all fifty states, is that marriage…

Life in the Local Church, Part 2

Selected Scriptures We want to continue going through what we started last week, looking at the “one anothers” of the New Testament. We’re taking a break from our series in the Gospel of Luke, our exposition of that wonderful Gospel, so that we can look at the “one anothers” of the New Testament. And by “one anothers,” we’re referring to those reciprocal commands that promote the body life of the local church, commands like “Love one another,” or “Clothes yourselves…

Life in the Local Church, Part 1

Selected Scriptures We’re talking today about life in the local church. We’ve been in a series for some time talking about this, taking a break from our normal study of the Gospel of Luke. But last week we set a foundation for this Sunday and next by looking at Paul’s teaching on the doctrine of the church. We’ve briefly looked at two passages: Ephesians 4:1-16. We looked through that, introducing the topic; and then we ended in 1 Corinthians 12:1-27.…

Unity Through Diversity

1 Corinthians 12:1-27 Well, we’ve been going through this series on membership and involvement in the local church, and we’ve extended the series just a bit because we want to make sure that we get a good grasp of what God is saying to us through his Word on this very important and extremely practical subject. Just by way of review, I want to get a running start at this just to remind you where we’ve been. We began this…

The Discipline of the Local Church

Selected Scriptures This morning you can open your Bibles to Matthew 18. Can open your Bibles there. You know we ended the time last time there in Matthew 18. We looked at Matthew 16 and Matthew 18, talking about Jesus’ uses of the word church. Two times, two specific times, he addressed the issue of the church, and, recognized and acknowledged both the universal aspects of the church and the local realities of the church of Christ. Basically, we’re talking…

Recovering the Priority of the Local Church

Selected Scriptures We’re continuing our series that we’re calling “Support Your Local Church.”  I’ve been encouraged by the elders to extend this series a bit, so I have done that.  I’m going to expand it just somewhat.  We’re going to keep going on the series.  I was going to cut it off in May, but we’re going to go into the month of June and we’ll come back to Luke’s Gospel after that.  What I want to do this morning…

Communion: The Fellowship of the Church

Selected Scriptures We’re going through a little series that we’re calling Support Your Local Church. Support Your Local Church. Usually in the pulpit here, we go verse by verse through a passage of Scripture, but we’re breaking from our normal regular study of the Gospel of Luke to address a vital topic, the topic of local church membership, local church involvement. This is our third week in the series. We’ve already seen from Scripture the purpose of the local church…