Bill Willcutts
By God’s Grace the Lord chose to save Bill at the age of 28 while living in the Pacific Northwest. The local church preaching and proclaiming the Gospel has been the normal means of grace in which people are saved, and the Great Commission is given and fulfilled in the local church.
It has been Bill’s honor to serve in various capacities in the local church evangelizing and discipling for the glory of God in the gospel of Christ. While serving as an airline pilot for 40 years (and having lots of time to read!), Bill was able to nurture a desire for intentional and intensive discipleship, which began a lifelong interest in Biblical counseling.
He currently serves Grace Church as the Director of Biblical Counseling along with 18 other trained counselors who love to apply God’s Word to God’s people for God’s glory.
Bill and Tricia, his wife since 1978, have two sons and two daughters (by marriage) and enjoy the proximity of 5 grandchildren. He has been known to chase fish anywhere they can be chased.