Teaching from January 2025
The Highest Aspiration
Luke 22:24-27 The Highest Aspiration Luke 22:24-27 January 27, 2025 Well, we return to Luke 22 in our study of the Gospel of Luke, and we’re reading the final instructions of our Lord to his men, his twelve Apostles, before his death for sins. Our Lord, as we know, as he’s been predicting and telling us all through this Gospel narrative, he will soon be betrayed into the hands of sinners. He’ll endure the false accusations of sinners in corrupt…
How Jesus Processed Suffering
Luke 22:21-23
The Weapons of Christian Warfare, Part 2
Ephesians 6:17
The Common Problem of Practical Atheism
James 4:13-17 James 4:13-17, we’ll be finishing up James 4 today. So we come to this new section in the epistle of James. If you remember from last week, the previous section ended, and it was a very convicting command to God’s people to not slander, and then the implications of why that is such a serious sin. One of the things that brought the most conviction to many of us out of that passage is just how serious the…
The Serious Sin of Slander
James 4:11-12Please turn in your Bibles, if you’re not there already, to James 4. Today we come into a section of Scripture that I do pray God would use to preserve our church and to strengthen our church, that each of us today might have our eyes opened and hearts softened to the severity of one of the most common and accepted sins within Christian culture. This is the dangerous sin of slander, to speak against someone, to make an…