Teaching from 2024 (Page 6)
How to Listen to the Olivet Discourse
Luke 21:8 Well, as we return to our study of the Olivet Discourse, I invite you back to Luke 21, Luke 21. And today we will begin by reading Jesus’ answer to his disciples’ questions about the destruction of the temple. There are questions about the coming desolation of Jerusalem and its temple and how all that relates to the end; and the end that they had in mind, as Jews of the first century. They had certain expectations. They…
Dismantling the Robbers’ Den
Luke 21:6-7 Turn in your bibles to Luke 21, Luke 21, which is the Olivet Discourse and it is an amazing chapter of teaching and it’s also, just want to point this out, that it is, it’s the final discourse in Luke’s Gospel. The final discourse of Jesus’ teaching; a full section of Jesus’ teaching in the Gospel of Luke. So it’s, it’s, fitting that the last extended teaching before the cross is about, last things. He’s looking to the…
The Admiration of Desolation
Luke 21:5-6 Well, as we enter into our study of Luke’s Gospel and return to it, we come to a fascinating section called the Olivet Discourse. Which you’ll find in Luke 21, if you could turn to Luke 21 in your bibles, Luke 21:5 and following is the section that we’re entering into. This is known as the Olivet Discourse because that’s where he taught this, on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, overlooking the Temple. Luke in his…
The Serious Nature of Sinful Partiality
James 2:8-13 Turn in your Bibles to James, chapter 2, James, chapter 2. And this morning we’re going to be finishing up this fairly long section of James’ instruction when it comes to the sin of partiality. This will be the third sermon that I’ve done, the third sermon from this section; and if you remember, in the first one we just kind of introduced the issue. We just looked at verse 1. We defined what sinful partiality is a…