Teaching from October 2024

Teaching from October 2024

Watchful, Prayerful Saints

Luke 21:34-38 Well, we are with mixed feelings, for me anyway, coming to the end of this amazing chapter, Luke 21 and Jesus’ teaching on the Olivet Discourse. This great chapter along with the parallels in Matthew 24 and Mark 13, this chapter stands with other eschatological teachings such as Luke 12, Luke 17. All these passages are seminal to the vital New Testament doctrine of last things, of what is coming in the end.  Michael Allen in his, no…

Certainty and the Fig Tree

Luke 21:29-33 Well, we have come to this final section, actually, of the Olivet Discourse this morning. It’s toward the end of Luke 21. So you can turn there in your Bibles to Luke 21 and find your way to verse 29. In this section, the whole section is verses 29 to 36. But in this first section, Luke 21:29 to 33, Jesus is kind of rounding out his teaching on the end times. He’s kind of circling back here…