Teaching on Theology (Page 9)

Teaching on Theology (Page 9)

The Attributes of God’s Goodness: Introduction, Part 1

Heavenly Father, thank you for the time we have getting kicked off this spring with STM. We thank you for bringing us together as men. We thank you for what you’re doing in the men of this church. And we thank you for the young men that are here today. And we’re just so grateful to see their young, eager faces and interest in theology. And just ask that you would teach and instruct all of us, from the youngest…

The Devotional Implications of Christian Cosmology

What, what, we’re going to do this morning is going to be, a little bit of, what I’d like to keep on doing, as we get into the New year; to have a quite a bit more discussion. It was pretty intentional on my part to lay a foundation of biblical authority and some of the prologue on the first things of theology and then theology proper. And so the lecture format was pretty, pretty, intentional, on my part.  And…

The Apologetic Implications of Christian Cosmology

Father want to thank you for your truth. We thank you for what we’ve learned over the year about you, about your absolute attributes, the attributes of your greatness, that you are immortal spirit, you are triune person. You are our creator and we thank you for the things that we’ve learned. And we just ask that you would help us to take those truths into our day-to-day life and our conversations with others. I pray that the truths that…

The Attributes of God’s Greatness: God the Creator, Part 5

Father, thank you so much for the morning. Thank you for these men you’ve brought here and we ask that you would help us once again to speak clearly about you, precisely. Please help us to understand what you’ve revealed in your word about you and about the creation week, especially how you created, designed us, what you created us for. Thank you again for your revelation. Thank you again for your Holy Spirit. Thank you for uniting us to…