Teaching on Theology (Page 10)

Teaching on Theology (Page 10)

The Attributes of God’s Greatness: God the Creator, Part 4

Father, thank you for this morning. And so we get back into the groove, the routine of studying, you, theology as men. We thank you for the opportunity to do that. We thank you for all the men who’ve turned out. And we just ask the Lord that you would bless us by the, the, careful study and observation of your word, that we would come to know you as you really are. I pray that as we do know…

The Attributes of God’s Greatness: God the Creator, Part 3

Okay. So we’re continuing the study of theology proper, looking carefully at what’s revealed in God the Creator. We’ve talked about God being immortal spirit, triune person, God the creator. And we’re just, we are wanting to just walk through the text in Genesis 1. Observe what’s there, see what we can infer and understand from now.  We, there’s a lot we, more we can say but we’re really wanting to restrict ourselves in our, in our, observations to; What…

The Attributes of God’s Greatness: God the Creator, Part 2

Okay. We have covered the first and second subheadings under the first major category of theology proper. We talked about the greatness of God and, the, those subheadings under the greatness of God, or God the immortal spirit, and God the triune person. And now we’re looking at that third subheading which we started, started last time, God the creator.  So we said God is immortal spirit, God is triune person, and God is creator. In the beginning. “In the…

The Attributes of God’s Greatness: God the Creator, Part 1

So we have covered the first and second subheadings under the first major category of theology proper, on the greatness of God, and the subheadings are God the immortal spirit. And last time we covered God the Triune person. Now we’re going to look at a third subheading, God the Creator. And this is going to take us a few, a few weeks to get through because there’s a lot here.  As we’ve talked about before, the creation is kind…

The Attributes of God’s Greatness: God the Trinity

As you know, we finished the first subheading under the first major category of theology proper; God’s greatness and immortal spirit. I’d originally intended to get into a second subheading under God’s greatness called God the Creator, but I said, I decided to make that the third subheading and insert something in between. I debated whether or not to deal with the Trinity under the God creator category. Since we come to know God’s triune personality through creation, but I’ve…

Knowing and Loving the Immortal Spirit

Last time we finished the first subheading under the first major category of theology proper that we’re calling God’s greatness, and we talked about God as immortal spirit. You guys remember what God’s immortal spirit involves, as we were talking about that doctrine. Okay, don’t worry because we’ll review it. Alright?  I, I, had intended today to start into the second subheading under God’s greatness, which is, God as the creator. But I’m, I don’t want to do that. I’m…

Answering the Hard Questions About Immutability

We talked about God as in his greatness, as immortal spirit. As in immortal Spirit God is life giving. He is one. So, we talked about a lot of, you know, the doctrines of obviously monotheism, but also simplicity; in that doctrine of God being one and then God being unchanging; that all comes out of the fact that God is immortal spirit. So God does not change. His unchangeableness is manifest in a couple of doctrines that are related,…

The Attributes of God’s Greatness: God Unaffected

Last week we reviewed the doctrine of divine simplicity and that wrapped up the section on God is life giving spirit. And then we got into the doctrine of immutability, that God is an unchanging God. God is, you can look at your outline here and follow this; God is life-giving spirit. God is one.  You can see that Roman numeral one, letter A, number one and two, God is life giving Spirit. God is one. And then God is…

The Attributes of God’s Greatness: God Unchanging

This, this study of God, theology proper, we’ve divided God’s attributes, as we’ve said, into two, basically the attributes two categories: the attributes of greatness and the attributes of glory, or goodness, I’m sorry, can’t stop thinking about his glory. So, attributes of greatness and attributes of goodness. Okay, greatness and goodness.  In talking about God’s greatness, we’ve looked at his greatness as those attributes that pertain, first of all, to God as immortal spirit. And that’s the section we’re…

The Attributes of God’s Greatness: Immortal Spirit

Okay, so last time we talked about the fundamental attribute of God’s being, the fact that he is, he is, and that he is the living God. And we identified that by the, by virtue of the references to him as Elohim, that is, a plural of majesty, allowing for a plural, plurality of person. And yet he’s restricted to oneness. He restricts himself to oneness, affirming that in the Shema of Israel, Shema Yisrael Yahweh, Eloheinu Yahweh Ahad. “Hear,…