10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO

Teaching on Sermons (Page 28)

Jesus and the Loveless Lawyer, Part 2

Luke 10:25-28 We’re in Luke chapter 10, verses 25-28, to continue what we were looking at last week. As we introduced this section last week, we learned that verses 25-28 are not merely a prelude or an introductory portion to lead us to the Good Samaritan story. But verses 25-28 are in and of themselves part one to a larger point, which…

Jesus and the Loveless Lawyer, Part 1

Luke 10:25-28 It is a joy to return to Luke’s Gospel, to come to a new section and find yet another opportunity to see and to savor Jesus Christ. If you’re not there already—Luke chapter 10—we’re going to be starting in verse 25, where we will meet a certain lawyer, a man with so much going for him. And yet he was…

The Prayer that Love for the Church Demands

Philippians 1:9-11 In the last few weeks, we have been looking at this incredible opening to the book of Philippians.  In the last two weeks, in verses 3 through 8, we have seen the amazing way in which Paul truly loves the Christians in Philippi.  In fact, let’s read those verses together again.  *I thank my God in all my remembrance of…

The Foundation of Love for the Church

Philippians 1:7-8 Last week we looked at verses 3 through 6 of Philippians Chapter 1.  In those verses, we saw the amazing, the unbelievable love that Paul has for all of the believers in the church at Philippi.  We talked about the fact we live in this culture that is constantly trying to get us to focus on ourselves and to think…

Love for the Church

Philippians 1:3-6 Turn in your Bibles to Philippians Chapter 1, if you’re not there already.  Last week we began our study of the Book of Philippians by looking at Paul’s salutation and greeting and what we found were three ways that we need to be thinking about our identity—as first, slaves of Christ; second, saints in Christ; and third, as members of…

Introduction to Philippians: Foundation for Joy

Philippians 1:1-2 Today, we are going to begin what I think should be an important time in our church as we begin to take the time between the sections of Luke as Travis teaches through them, to look at Paul’s letter to the Philippians.  So, what’s going to happen is whenever Travis is up here, he’s going to be continuing through exposition…

Reasons Jesus Rejoices, Part 3

Luke 10:21-24 Well, today we wrap up our study on reasons that Jesus rejoices, so we are going to return one more time to Luke 10:21-24. This is not just a wrap-up of this short study, but it’s wrapping up really a whole series on the joy of Jesus and his disciples. It started back in verse 17 when the Gospel messengers…

Reasons Jesus Rejoices, Part 2

Luke 10:21 Luke, chapter 10, continuing the study that we began last week of reasons that Jesus rejoices, we came out of 30 reasons to rejoice, and then we entered into reasons Jesus rejoices. So that’s Luke 10:21. And today is a study in Christology, a deep and high Christology, an understanding of the study of Christ and what the Scripture says…