10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO

Teaching on Conference

Conference teaching is a directed time of fellowship and exploration of God’s word on a specific topic or theme. Conferences are not regular teaching series and typically include guest speakers, and alternative formats to Grace Church’s typical forms and lengths of exposition.

Session 6: The Cross and Suffering

John 16:33 Well, I am sure that you have met people like I am about to describe. Whenever you talk with them, the conversation tends to go in the same direction, again and again. You ask them how they’re doing. I’m great. My spouse is great. My kids are great My job is great, My health is great. My house is great.…

Session 4: The Cross and Divine Wisdom

1 Corinthians 2:1-16 In light of what we just heard, I invite you to return to the letter of 1 Corinthians to the second chapter in order that you can see how Paul executed on this cross-centered paradigm in his ministry. In this session, we’re going to observe how Paul’s cross-centered paradigm clarifies and simplifies our ministry, how it helps us stay…

Session 2: The Cross and Justification

Romans 3:21-31 I invite you to turn as we begin. I’d just like to begin by reading the text that we’re going to look at in the session in Romans chapter 3, Romans chapter 3, beginning in verse 21, it is a highly concentrated passage of rich doctrine of profound theology and of profound significance as we consider the theology of the…

Session 1: The Paradigm of the Cross

Matthew 16:13-24 I just want to thank you all for coming. It’s wonderful to see so many smiling faces ready to receive the Word of God at our Pillar of Truth conference this year: “Christ, His Cross, and His Church.” So it’s how the, how the ministry of Christ in the cross sets the tone for the entire Christian life. It’s the…

Future of Evangelicalism

Selected Scriptures Travis assigned me for this section to speak about the future of evangelicalism. And, a, I’m not a prophet or son of a prophet. I’ve never even managed to make a profit on any investment or business venture that I’ve ever made. But people ask me all the time, “What do you think the next big challenge to the Gospel…

Reforming the Evangelical Pulpit

Selected Scriptures You know, I’m, I’m grateful to be here. Travis asked me to speak this morning on the topic of reforming the evangelical pulpit. And so we’re going to take a look at preaching and the preacher, more particularly here this morning. I though Travis did a, just an outstanding job of showing the need for a conference like this. And…