"Trials" Tagged Teaching

"Trials" Tagged Teaching

Rightly Receiving the Word

James 1:19-21 If you would open your Bibles to the first chapter of the book of James, that’s where we’re going to be this morning. This week and next week really does flow well out of what, what Bret was talking about, the end of Psalm 19 last week. So it’ll be good for us. And in, in preparation, trying to get to the communion service on time, I just shredded up my introduction really small for you all. So…

The Hope of the Blessed in Trying Times

James 1:12 We are this morning, continuing on through the book of James. That’s, that’s where I’m at when I’m up here, James chapter one and today we’re just going to be looking at verse 12. So not making a ton of progress through the book of James, but we are getting through it, nonetheless. James 1:12 and in this morning’s text is really a promise for believers, it really is for a the encouragement of believers. So, as we…

How to Find Rest in the Middle of a Storm

Luke 8:22-25 We are coming into a new section here in Luke, chapter 8, so you can turn there in your Bibles if you’re not already there. We are coming into a section in Luke 8 that is all about the supernatural power of Jesus Christ. And you can turn in your Bibles as, if you’re getting in there in Luke 8, go to verse 22. We’re going to be looking there at the first of those narratives, on the…