"Stewardship" Tagged Teaching

"Stewardship" Tagged Teaching

When the King Returns, Part 3

Luke 19:20-27 Well, you can turn in your Bibles to Luke 19 as we finish up the parable of the minas. Luke 19:11-27. It’s really been a joy of mine (I think for many of you as well) to see reflected in the parable the heart of our Lord for his servants, his har, the heart of our Lord for us. We see in the Lord, in this parable, we see his noble character, we see how wise he is,…

Incentives for Faithful Stewardship, Part 2

Luke 12:45-48 Luke chapter 12. Hopefully we can finish this, this section of our Lord’s teaching, which is about how to live in light of the second coming. We have an account to give before the Lord. We have a stewardship to keep before him and so Jesus is exhorting us and really motivating us with some enticements for faithful stewardship, incentives. I’m going to start by reading just to set some context, back in verse 35, we’ve already covered…

Incentives for Faithful Stewardship, Part 1

Luke 12:41-44 Turn in your Bibles to Luke chapter 12. As you know, we’ve entered into a study on, it’s, it’s themed on the Lord’s return, but it’s a study really on readiness, in light of the Lord’s return, and Christian watchfulness, which is the subject last week. Readiness, watchfulness, eagerness to see our Lord return in light of his soon return, his imminent return. That’s what we read in, from the Apostle John. “Everyone who thus hopes in him…

Live with a Kingdom Perspective

Luke 12:29-32 We are in, as you know, Luke Chapter 12, but that’s not where I want you to turn to first in your Bibles. Not yet. I want you to begin this morning a few chapters earlier, in Luke Chapter 9, Jesus’ call to Christian discipleship, which begins in Luke 9:23. Back when we studied this text, we recognized that Jesus’ call to discipleship really is a radical call. It strikes our ears as rather startling and that is…

Biblical Stewardship Seminar w/ Tom Bevan

Biblical Stewardship Seminar with Tom Bevan Stewardship Seminar Date: January 27, 2016 Time: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Where: Grace Church Cost: Free Stewardship Seminar Stewardship Seminar Date: January 27, 2016 Time: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Where: Grace Church Cost: Free Date: Time: Where:Grace Church Cost: Join us Wednesday, January 27 (6:00-7:30pm) for a biblical stewardship seminar—this is vital preparation for an uncertain future. Tom Bevan is the presenter (Vice President of Ministry Endowment, The Master’s Seminary), with a background in…