"Sin" Tagged Teaching

"Sin" Tagged Teaching

The Great Danger of Friendship with the World

James 4:4-6 If you would turn to James chapter 4; it’s been a little over a month since I was up here last, and in that sermon, we began to look at chapter 4 of this letter together, and those first three verses in chapter 4. And I really do believe that those make for a good one-off sermon because of how intensely practical they are in helping us to think about and to deal with conflict righteously. And I…

My Brother’s Keeper, Part 3

Luke 17:5-10 Open your Bibles to Luke 17 and today we are following up on a two-part series that we’ve called, My Brother’s Keeper, which is the first. It’s in the first ten verses Luke 17:1-10. After Jesus addressed the Pharisees at the end of the 16th chapter, we’ve seen that he has turned to his disciples and he speaks to them with concern. Because hell is real. Because hell is horrible. Because it’s unforgiven sin that takes us there.…

Resurrection and the End of Sin

Romans 6:1-11 The Scripture readings foreshadowed what I want to share with you this morning about one of the most significant implications of the Gospel, and one that is in dire need of redressing in our modern day. In the message of the Gospel, we learn that God saves sinners. We learn that God reconciles sinners to himself, not counting their trespasses against them because of the atoning death of Jesus Christ on the cross. All who repent of their…