"Sermon on the Mount" Tagged Teaching
Blessed Are the Despised
Luke 6:22-23 We are studying the beatitudes, which is the introduction to Jesus’ most well-known sermon. The, this introduction to the sermon, I think, in my mind anyway, it’s been nothing short of revolutionary. Not in the political sense, not in any social, economical, or political statement. Any of that would be too shallow for this. Jesus, is as revolutionary in the sense that Jesus has introduced a new and a profoundly countercultural worldview. This is a worldview here that…
Blessed Are the Weeping
Luke 6:21 “Luke 6:21, Blessed are you who weep now for you shall laugh.” Want to begin though, as we have been doing, by reading the whole section, the beatitudes in Luke’s gospel, “Luke 6:20-26.” And, I think probably by now you ought to have these beatitudes memorized, because we keep reading it week after week. And I, personally, never get tired of that. And I hope that, hope that you’ve enjoyed this as well. Let’s look at Luke 6:20-26.…
Blessed Are the Hungry
Luke 6:21 Luke Chapter 6 and today, we’re looking at the second beatitude in Luke’s account of the Sermon on the Mount. We spent, as you know, the last two weeks on that first beatitude, “Blessed are you who are poor, you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” And that really is the thesis verse for the beatitudes and the woes, and the whole section provides an introduction for the sermon, the entire sermon that follows.…
Blessed Are the Poor
Luke 6:20 We are back in the Sermon on the Mount this morning in Luke’s account, so go ahead and turn there to Luke 6:20. We’re going to read that introductory portion again. As we’ve said, the Sermon on the Mount is the most widely known of all Jesus’ teachings. A very profound teaching, very searching, provoking in our hearts. Because of its significance, we’ve taken a couple of weeks to introduce it, but now we’re ready to take the…
How to Hear the Sermon on the Mount
Luke 6:20-49 I invite you to turn in your bibles to the sixth chapter of Lukes’ Gospel, Luke 6:20. Luke 6:20. Of all the Jesus said whether it’s the whole sermon or portions of the sermon, the sermon on the mount is very likely the most commonly misinterpreted portion of Jesus teaching. When people get Jesus wrong on this sermon, they tend to through that misunderstanding they tend to misinterpret the entire meaning of his life and ministry as…