"Salvation" Tagged Teaching

"Salvation" Tagged Teaching

The Goodness of Good Friday

Isaiah 53 It is my joy and ah pleasure to open the word of God with all of you this evening for our Good Friday service. And tonight I wanted to speak to something that Josh already mentioned. And there’s something that I hear this time of, of year, whether it’s a meme floating around or even Christians saying it. But every year you hear the question, why do we call this day Good Friday? Why do we call Good…

Yahweh’s Compassion Comes to Nineveh

Jonah 3 We are in the middle of a series on the book of Jonah, so if you want to turn there now in your Bibles you can. It’s been personally an encouraging study. It’s been encouraging us to compassion for the lost, even the most wicked and vile of people. It’s been an encouragement in the midst of trials, even discipline from the Lord to repent, to trust in the one who controls all things and is working all…

Jesus Came to Seek and Save the Lost

Luke 19:10  Well, as we come to God’s word this morning and consider the significance of the resurrection for us today, I want to direct your attention to a single verse in Luke’s Gospel, which is Luke 19:10. Luke 19:10. You can turn there in your Bibles. And Luke 19:10 says, “The Son of man came to seek and to save the lost.”If you’re visiting here to Grace Church, we’re so glad you’ve joined us on this Easter Sunday, this…

The Evidence of True Conversion

Luke 19:7-10 Well, I want to ask you to turn to Luke’s Gospel this morning as we take another look at Zacchaeus and Jesus. It’s a story of salvation, and it’s a story of the salvation of one of the most loathed kinds of sinners that there were in the first century world: the tax collectors. In that song we just sang, talked about the grace of God, “Once your enemy, now seated at your table.” And here we’re going…

The Tragedy of the Almost Saved

Luke 17:31-33 You can open your Bibles to Luke 17 for a what really is a sobering portion. It’s an amazing chapter. The whole chapter has really been sobering. But this portion in particular really draws a bead on us and our hearts, our thinking, our behavior. Jesus, in this section we’re gonna cover today and next week as well, is gonna, he would have us to apply, actually live out what we’ve been learning. So, you can find your…

Responding to the Invitation, Part 2

Luke 14:15 We are picking up where we left off last week in Luke 14.  So we’re coming back to Luke 14 verse 15, and the parable of the great banquet.  We got into the parable last time.  As you know, it’s a parable that Jesus gave to a room full of Pharisees and religious lawyers.  Those who are characterized, all through Luke’s Gospel, characterized as sinfully hostile to Jesus and opposing him and his ministry in every way.  Trying…

Responding to the Invitation, Part 1

Luke 14:15-20 We were in Luke 14 this morning looking at Jesus’ parable of the great banquet, which some refer to as the parable of the excluded guests. It is both of those things. It’s a parable of profound meaning of pointed significance. It’s intended to confront the falsely assured. Those in danger of rejecting God’s gracious invitation to them to come, to come. And so today, in this text, and what will cover today and next week, it will…

Get Your Eyes Checked

Luke 11:33-36 I want to turn us back into the Gospel of Luke and get your attention back into the text, there, and Luke Chapter 11, as Jesus brings this discourse that we’ve been looking at for some time, here, he brings this particular discourse to a close. So you can find your way to Luke 11:33. As you turn there, I’ll just make a couple of remarks by way of introduction. The scene opened back in verse 14, Luke…

The Full Message of God’s Salvation

Acts 13:23-41 When all our praise is directed to our God, the Living God who saves us. Who called us to a holy calling and who is alone worthy of all of our glory and honor and praise. Among all of his manifold mercies, are God sent Jesus Christ to live and to die, and to rise again in order to save us from our sins.  Somebody asked me what I planned to preach for resurrection Sunday. We’ve been working…

The Theology of the Messiah’s Growth

Luke 2:49-52 Last week we started reading the story of Jesus as a 12-year-old boy, visiting the temple, and you can find that story at the end of Chapter 2. We’re going to start there reading this morning in Chapter 2, verse 40. Like I said, we’ll just begin by reading the account this morning and refresh ourselves with the truths that are here. It says in verse 40,  “The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the…
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