10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO

"Persecution" Tagged Teaching

God’s Plan for Persecution, Part 2

Luke 21:14-19 Luke 21, I have got a lot to cover this morning, so I’m going to violate all the principles of good homiletics, forego any introduction, so we can just get through the section that we started last week on persecution. I know you’ll forgive me for that violation of homiletics, because you’re Christians and you are prone to forgive. In…

God’s Plan for Persecution, Part 1

Luke 21:12-13 Well, we are back in Luke 21 today, and so you’ll want to turn in your Bibles to Luke 21, if you’re not already there. This fascinating teaching from our Lord on the End Times and in this section, that we’re gonna get into, or what we’ve been in really is our Lord speaking about events in history, and time,…

Ten Reasons to Rejoice When Persecuted

Luke 6:22-23 We are wrapping up our study of just the beatitudes. As we go through our exposition of the Gospel of Luke, the beatitudes here in Luke’s gospel, Luke 6:20-23, is really the introduction for the entire Sermon on the Mount. And today we’re going to continue what we began last time, a couple of weeks ago, in Luke 6:22-23, “blessed…

Joy in the Wealth of Poverty

Luke 6:20 This morning, we’re really continuing a message we began last week. We want to understand more fully, more completely what Jesus meant by what he said and the implications for us. It’s been 12 years since sociologist Christian Smith published his book called, Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers. The book came out in, back in…