"Parable" Tagged Teaching
When the King Returns, Part 3
Luke 19:20-27 Well, you can turn in your Bibles to Luke 19 as we finish up the parable of the minas. Luke 19:11-27. It’s really been a joy of mine (I think for many of you as well) to see reflected in the parable the heart of our Lord for his servants, his har, the heart of our Lord for us. We see in the Lord, in this parable, we see his noble character, we see how wise he is,…
When the King Returns, Part 2
Luke 19:15-19 We’re back in Luke 19 this morning and so I would like to invite you to open your bibles to Luke 19 and the parable that we’ve been looking at that starts in verse 11 of Luke 19. This is part 2 of a 3-part look at this fascinating study of stewardship through the lens of the parable of the minas. Stewardship is a common, common theme in Jesus’ teaching. And in particular all through the travel section…
When the King Returns, Part 1
Luke 19:11-14 I’d like to invite you to turn your Bibles to Luke 19 this morning. This is a very important text of Scripture and a very pivotal time in our Lord’s ministry. And I’d like to add this could be a very pivotal time, pivotal portion of Scripture for our own church as well. We’re looking at Luke 19, verses 11 and following. And as I mentioned a few moments earlier, on our church’s calendar we have just come…
The Rich Man and Lazarus, Part 2
Luke 16:22-31 I want to ask you to turn in your Bibles to Luke 16, and today we will finishthe parable of the rich man and Lazarus, which has to be one of the most sobering portrayals in all of Scripture of divine judgment. The parable, as we’ve seen, provides a warning. It’s a warning about future judgment, the certainty of future judgment. And the occasion for the parable, as we’ve been seeing, is the response of the Pharisees to…
The Doctrine of Hell and Its Fruits
Luke 16:19-31 We have the joy, the privilege of returning to the Gospel of Luke once again. I have missed it for sure, and I trust that you have, too. So turn in your Bibles to Luke 16 and the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. It was a really unique parable among all of Jesus’ parables.It’s one of Jesus’ longest. It’s the most story-like of all his parables. It’s full of rich and vivid detail. And it’s because…
Responding to the Invitation, Part 2
Luke 14:15 We are picking up where we left off last week in Luke 14. So we’re coming back to Luke 14 verse 15, and the parable of the great banquet. We got into the parable last time. As you know, it’s a parable that Jesus gave to a room full of Pharisees and religious lawyers. Those who are characterized, all through Luke’s Gospel, characterized as sinfully hostile to Jesus and opposing him and his ministry in every way. Trying…
Responding to the Invitation, Part 1
Luke 14:15-20 We were in Luke 14 this morning looking at Jesus’ parable of the great banquet, which some refer to as the parable of the excluded guests. It is both of those things. It’s a parable of profound meaning of pointed significance. It’s intended to confront the falsely assured. Those in danger of rejecting God’s gracious invitation to them to come, to come. And so today, in this text, and what will cover today and next week, it will…
The Parable of the Covetous Fool
Luke 12:16-21 We are continuing our study in Luke Chapter 12 in the theme we started last week. So if you could find your way to Luke 12, a section on covetousness that started in Luke 12:13 and following. There are a few things I wanted to cover last week that I didn’t get to, but that is one of the benefits of expository preaching, that I get to chop it off where I want to and then pick it…
Why You Should Come and Pray
Luke 11:5-13 Well, we have the joy of turning to Luke’s Gospel, again. This is our ongoing study of this profoundly rich teaching, in the life of our Lord. You can find your way to Luke chapter 11 and verse 5. Luke 11:5.One of the notable features about Luke’s Gospel is his emphasis throughout the gospel on prayer. He, more than any other of the gospel writers, Luke records various parables and teachings from our Lord that center on the…
The Tragedy of Fruitless Christianity
Luke 8:13-14 It is a joy to return again, once again to our study of Luke’s gospel. So I’d invite you to turn in your Bibles. Open them to Luke chapter 8. We’re studying the parable of the sower also known probably more accurately as the parable of the soils, the parable of the soils in Luke chapter 8. The parable that Jesus tells here, it doesn’t have to do with the sower per se, but it has to do…
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