"Obedience" Tagged Teaching

"Obedience" Tagged Teaching

Yahweh’s Relentless Mercy, Part 2

Jonah 1:7-17 For this morning, we are going to be back in the book of Jonah, if you want to make your way there in your copy of the scriptures. We’re gonna finish up chapter 1 of Jonah this morning. And so I just want to, at the front of this read chapter 1 again, have the context in our mind, the narrative in, in our minds before we get into the verses we’re gonna cover this morning. So Jonah…

How to Hear the Sermon on the Mount

Luke 6:20-49      I invite you to turn in your bibles to the sixth chapter of Lukes’ Gospel, Luke 6:20. Luke 6:20. Of all the Jesus said whether it’s the whole sermon or portions of the sermon, the sermon on the mount is very likely the most commonly misinterpreted portion of Jesus teaching. When people get Jesus wrong on this sermon, they tend to through that misunderstanding they tend to misinterpret the entire meaning of his life and ministry as…

Faithful Men Lead

Nehemiah 5:1-13 Audio from the Act Like Men Conference in Northern Colorado, October 23 – 24th, 2015.