"Luke" Tagged Teaching (Page 15)

"Luke" Tagged Teaching (Page 15)

Whose Faith Failed?

Luke 9:37-41 We’re in Luke 9:37-45.  This is another amazing, fascinating portion of Scripture, but one that’s often and widely misunderstood.  So, this morning we get to rejoice in clarity, and especially considering the subject of the necessity of exercising faith.  Let’s start, as we like to do, reading the text.  And then I’ll have a few words of introduction.  Let’s look at Luke 9:37. “On the next day, when they had come down from the mountain, a great crowd…

The Exclusive Glory of Jesus Christ

Luke 9:32-36 Open your Bibles and turn to Luke 9. We’re going to be returning, here, to Luke’s account of the transfiguration, Luke 9:28-36. We actually started this account last week and learned about the setting for the transfiguration. We heard about the unveiling of Christ’s divine glory, the meeting then, that took place up on the mountain between Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. It’s an amazing scene. And today we’re going to see how God the Father answered the prayer…

The Unveiling of Jesus Christ

Luke 9:28-31 Open your Bibles to Luke chapter 9, and verse 28. Luke 9:28. We’ve come to a place in Luke’s Gospel of particular wonder, and God, here, by the Spirit, is giving us a brief look behind the veil to see the glory of Jesus Christ. That’s what’s on display, here, in Luke 9:28-36. So without further ado, let’s get right into the text. I’m going to read starting in verse 28. “Now about eight days after these sayings…

Why We Follow, Part 1

Luke 9:24-27 Take your Bibles, and we’re going to go back to this pivotal portion of Jesus’ teaching in Luke chapter 9. So I invite you turn to Luke chapter 9, and we are in verses 23-27. This is Jesus’ call, his call to anyone who will listen, really, anyone who is listening and willing to listen, calling them to follow him in permanent discipleship. We’re going to read this section again today, Luke 9:23-27, and I’m hoping that by…

The Deliverance of Discipleship

Luke 9:23 Back on January 20th, we got an introduction to this most pivotal text, Luke 9:23. If you’re not there already, I’d ask you to turn there in your Bibles, Luke 9:23. We want to return, there, today. It’s probably fair to say that we’ve been arrested by this text. I certainly have. In fact, I kind of feel like Peter at the Transfiguration. I just want to make some booths and camp here for a long, long time…

The Scandalous Offense of the Cross

Luke 9:23 Please take your Bibles and turn to Luke chapter 9. We come in our study of God’s Word this morning to one of the most defining and one of the most descriptive verses in the Christian faith. It really is a verse that captures in a nutshell exactly what it means to be a Christian, it’s in Luke 9, verse 23.    If you’re visiting with us today, or if you’ve been visiting Grace Church, in and out, checking…

Six Marks of the Messiah’s Mission

Luke 9:21-22 Well we are in Luke 9 this morning so I would invite you to turn your bibles to Luke 9. Luke 9:18-22 is really the section we’re in, this is the perfect spot in the text to prepare our hearts really to participate together in the Lord’s table, ah, later in the service and as your listening as we go through the text here be sure your listening prayerfully and reflectively, meditating on the very, very, weighty truths…

The Christ of God

Luke 9:18-20 We are back in our study of Luke’s Gospel, so you can turn in your bibles to the next verse, Luke 9:18 and if you are visiting with us for today we are so glad as we’ve said, so glad that you’ve come we want to welcome you and greet you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior there is probably no better way to sum up Grace Church and what we stand for, what…

Jesus Feeds Five Thousand, Part 1

Luke 9:10-17 Turn to Luke Chapter 9. Luke chapter 9. We have the privilege over the next couple of weeks to study one of Jesus’ most well-known, most beloved miracles; his feeding of the 5000. Feeding of the 5000, you’ll find that in Luke 9:10 to 17. This is the only miracle, apart from the resurrection itself, the only miracle that is recorded in all four gospels. It is important to say the least. It’s the climactic miracle that marks…

The Apostolic Way

Luke 9:3-6 We’re returning to our study of Luke’s gospel and Luke’s, Luke chapter 9, you can turn there in your Bibles. Luke chapter 9. When we started into this last week, Luke chapter 9, this wonderful chapter, been a lot of transitions in it, missional transition, geographical transition, theological transition, as the identity of Jesus Christ is made evermore plain and glorious for us, the readers. As we saw last week, Jesus is sending out the apostles on their…