"Luke" Tagged Teaching (Page 14)

"Luke" Tagged Teaching (Page 14)

Legitimate Gospel Partnerships

Luke 10:5-7 Well, as we turn our attention to the Word of God this morning, we’re returning to our study in Luke chapter 10.  You can turn there for the reading of the text.  And while you’re turning there, I’ll just mention in verse 1, Luke writes and tells us about the mission, “The Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him, two by two, into every town and place where he himself was about to go.”…

The Mission Mindset

Luke 10:2-4 We are in the 10th chapter of Luke’s gospel, so you’ll want to go ahead and turn in your Bibles to Luke chapter 10 verse 1, of Jesus sending of the 72 missionaries. And we’re going to be, begin by reading the first 12 verses of that chapter together. And you’re noticing probably, a number of different ways that we’re saying it’s time for our church to get out there and spread the gospel and bring the gospel…

The Sending of the Seventy-Two

Luke 10:1 We come to the tenth chapter of Luke’s Gospel, entering a new section here in Luke chapter 10, so if you’re not there in your Bibles already, you’re already behind. Get over to Luke chapter 10. All right? We’re going to be, begin by reading a significant portion of that chapter. There are two major divisions in this chapter 10 of Luke: verses 1-24, Jesus sends the seventy, and then in 25-37, there’s the parable of the Good…

Christ’s Call to Would-Be Disciples

Luke 9:57-62 I’d like to invite you to take your Bibles and turn to Luke, chapter 9. It is such a joy to be back with you and especially in Luke’s Gospel, Luke chapter 9. We’re going to be in the, as I said, the last part of Luke 9. We’re actually finishing up that ninth chapter, hopefully today, and be back into chapter 10 next week, a very pivotal time. There’ve been a few times in our study of…

The Model of Missionary Mercy, Part 2

Luke 9:51-56 We are returning to the text that we started last week, Luke 9:51-56. We’re studying in Luke 9:51 following. This is Jesus, the model of missionary mercy. Jesus, the model of missionary mercy. As we studied last week, we see that Jesus came to show mercy. God sent him to show mercy. Jesus came to show mercy, to minister God’s mercy to a people in need. He ministered to many immediate physical needs, as we know, as we…

The Model of Missionary Mercy, Part 1

Luke 9:51 The theme of mercy, compassion, all those are connected to the attribute of God called the attribute of goodness, the goodness of God. An extension of the goodness of God is the love of God, that attribute of God, and flowing out of the goodness and love of God is God’s mercy, his grace, and forbearance, and patience, mercy being that attribute of God that is demonstrated toward those in desperate, desperate need. And that’s what we’re talking…

Tests of Christian Fellowship

Luke 9:49-50 For our time in God’s Word this morning, we’ve come to a, really come to an important mile-marker in the Gospel of Luke, so go ahead and turn to Luke 9:49-50. It’s our text for this morning, and it’s also, as I said, an important mile-marker that you’ll see for yourself. Today, by God’s grace as we get through this hour together, this marks the end of Jesus’ Galilean ministry as recorded by Luke, back in Luke 4:14.…

Greatness, the Antidote to Pride

Luke 9:46-48 Well, we’re back in Luke’s Gospel this week, and I invite you to turn your Bibles to the end of Luke chapter 9. Luke 9:46. We’ve been following Jesus and the band of his closest disciples around Galilee throughout the texts, coming up and into chapter 9. And most recently, they have been north of Galilee, up above the Sea of Galilee, and the region Caesarea of Philippi, and Jesus has taken his twelve apostles up there. He’s…

How to Grow Strong in Faith, Part 2

Luke 9:42-45 How to Grow Strong in the Faith, Part 2 Luke 9:42-45 April 21, 2019 All that is Grace Church is explained by the resurrection and the resurrection power. It’s the power that raised Christ from the dead, conquered the grave, claimed victory over death itself. That’s the power that saves people, literally, saves lives, saves and sanctifies, transforms people, making them into something that they never were, never could be by any other human solution. That’s the power…

How to Grow Strong in Faith, Part 1

Luke 9:37-45 We are returning to Luke 9:37-45, so you’ll want to turn there in your Bibles. And we are learning, here, the importance of having a strong, strong faith, the importance of believing God, the vital importance of trusting wholly and consistently in Christ and his Word, his promises, his truth. And as we saw last week, that’s something that most of Jesus’ di, disciples in his day, even the ones who were walking with him, did not do.…