"Luke 21:20-24" Tagged Teaching
Desolation and Abomination
Selected Scriptures We come to a point in our study of the Olivet Discourse where it’s time for us to pause for a bit, and we want to clarify an interpretive issue here in the text. We’ve come through, as you know, through Jesus’ prediction concerning one of the most dreadful events in history, which is the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple in AD 70. This really happened. We went through the history of it. Looked at the extra…
The Destruction of Jerusalem, Part 2
Luke 21:20-24 Well, we are steadily making our way through the Olivet Discourse in Luke 21, and we have come to, you want to turn there in your Bibles. But we’ve come to the portion in Luke 21 in which Jesus predicts the desolation of Jerusalem. So dark times, dark themes, ominous warnings abound in this section. The desolation of Jerusalem is a judgement upon the unbelieving and upon the Christ rejecting. And it’s out of that judgement that Jesus…
The Destruction of Jerusalem, Part 1
Luke 21:20-24 Well, turn in your Bibles to Luke 21, the Olivet Discourse. As we come to what is really a very sobering prediction of judgement on the Jewish people, the destruction of Jerusalem. At the same time, in this text, as we read about a sobering prediction of judgement on the Jews, we also think about what’s going on in our world now and how harried and pursued the Jews have been for all of history, all this time.…