"Luke 15:1-10" Tagged Teaching

"Luke 15:1-10" Tagged Teaching

Parables of Redemptive Joy

Luke 15:1-10 Well, we are back in Luke 15 this week and this time looking at the theme of redemptive joy in the first two parables.  Jesus gives a, as you know, a series of three parables here in Luke 15: the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Lost Son.  Three of these parables are directed at the Pharisees and the scribes because of their, well, we just call it a poor reaction to the salvation of sinners rather…

Parables of Redemptive Love

Luke 15:1-10 Today we are entering into one of the best known and most beloved chapters in the whole Bible, which is Luke chapter 15. So you can turn there, you’re not already there. Luke 15. Luke 15 is a series of three parables, as you probably know, the lost sheep, the last coin and the last son, the lost sheep, the last coin and the last son. And together those three parables paint for us a,  a precious, precious…