10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO

"Local Church" Tagged Teaching

Vital Habits of the Local Church

Ephesians 4:11-16 50 years of grace. That’s a remarkable milestone for, for, any people in any church. And, certainly, God has shown his kindness to this church, which we’re going to be able to celebrate more tonight. It was nine years ago when I first came to Grace Church. The people would ask me this question. ‘What is your vision for the…

My Brother’s Keeper, Part 2

Luke 17:3-4 Well, we’re in Luke 17, and we’re continuing a series called My Brother’s Keeper, and we are looking at Luke 17:1-10, Luke 17:1-10. Today, we’re just going to get through the first four verses. Last week we learned that we need to be our brother’s keeper, and this week we’re going to learn how to be our brother’s keeper. So…

The Power of Gospel-Driven Ministry

1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 Turn in your bibles to 1 Thessalonians and in the beginning of the month, I preached from 1 Thessalonians chapter 1 and I’d like to return to that text, finish the chapter. I’m gonna begin by reading the passage and then we’ll have just a short period of review to kinda go over what we covered in that last…

Life in the Local Church, Part 3

Selected Scriptures We’ve been in a study of the church and that’s extended beyond May, beyond June and into July.  We are coming to the end of that study very soon, but we’re taking the time that’s necessary to really learn what the Bible teaches about our involvement here in the local church.  Church is the fundamental institution that is vital to…

The Discipline of the Local Church

Selected Scriptures This morning you can open your Bibles to Matthew 18. Can open your Bibles there. You know we ended the time last time there in Matthew 18. We looked at Matthew 16 and Matthew 18, talking about Jesus’ uses of the word church. Two times, two specific times, he addressed the issue of the church, and, recognized and acknowledged both…

Communion: The Fellowship of the Church

Selected Scriptures We’re going through a little series that we’re calling Support Your Local Church. Support Your Local Church. Usually in the pulpit here, we go verse by verse through a passage of Scripture, but we’re breaking from our normal regular study of the Gospel of Luke to address a vital topic, the topic of local church membership, local church involvement. This…

Baptism: The Gateway to the Church

Selected ScripturesAll right, we have started into a series on involvement in the local church. We set a foundation last week in 1 Timothy 3:14-16 by seeing how significant the local church is in God’s eyes, churches, the pillar and ground of the truth. That’s the language that’s used there in 1 Timothy 3. As we said, local churches are like temples.…