"Lk12" Tagged Teaching

"Lk12" Tagged Teaching

What Not to Worry About

Luke 12:22-28 Well, we are in Luke’s gospel—Luke, chapter 12—and we are looking at the subject of anxiety. If you’re a bottom-line kind of person, I’ll let you know up front that Jesus is against it. You need to know more than that, but Jesus understands worry and anxiety. He knows exactly where those sins come from. He also knows that there is no need for it. And so Jesus commands us believers in clear, very direct language, “Do not…

The Sin Beneath Our Sins

Luke 12:13-15 Turn in your Bibles to Luke chapter 12, and we are continuing to learn from our Lord’s teaching and today, we are going to get a brief glimpse into, we can call this, “Jesus’ Community Counseling Ministry,” as a man comes to Jesus to ask for help with a particular problem.  You may remember that while Jesus had been teaching publicly, he was directing his instruction to his disciples.  Even though there are thousands pressing in, uh, trampling…