"Lk 2" Tagged Teaching

"Lk 2" Tagged Teaching

Finding Hope in the Christmas Story

Luke 2:1-7 The story of Christ’s birth is so special and so meaningful, and especially, I would say at, in this particular Christmas season, which has seemed, I think, coming out of this year, so bleak and difficult. I don’t need to rehearse to all of you what you know about this difficult year. It’s enough to say, though, that many people feel like they’re limping toward Christmas. I just want to express to those may, who may be watching…

The First Words of the Divine Child

Luke 2:39-49 We have been enjoying a rich, rich study of the infancy narratives about Jesus as a baby, and here, we’re going to see this morning, as a little boy. Luke has been preparing us in these narratives, these first two chapters, by setting our expectations about what we’re going to find about who Jesus is because he wants us to properly, rightly receive Jesus and his ministry. That’s been the intent of these first two chapters. Luke has…

The Testimony of a Senior Saint

Luke 2:36-38 The section that we’re finishing today, looking at the character and the testimony of Simeon and then Anna. It’s provided an opportunity I’ve longed desired. It should not escape our notice, if you’ve read the narrative, if you’ve been with us, that Simeon and Anna just like Zechariah and Elizabeth back in Chapter 1, they were, as the Bible so delicately puts it, they were “advanced in years.”  That is to say they were old people. In Anna’s…

The Testimony of Simeon, Part 2

Luke 2:29-35 As we turn our attention to God’s word this morning, we’re in Luke 2:29. Last week Luke introduced us to Simeon. This man Simeon, he Luke invited us to behold this remarkable man. He is a righteous and devout man. He was living in a remarkably dark time. He was living among apostate people in an apostate city. But even in the darkest of times, we see throughout Scripture, God has preserved a remnant. God has continued to…

The Testimony of Simeon, Part 1

Luke 2:25-30 Today in Luke’s Gospel in Chapter 2, we’re crossing the midpoint of this great chapter, which wraps up the infancy narratives of Jesus, the Messiah, the Savior of the whole world. As we learned last week, Luke has set some context for us so that we’re going to have a deeper theological understanding of what’s recorded here. Some fascinating verses last week, and as we saw starting in verse 2, Luke brought us back for the rest of…

The Theology of the Lord’s Salvation

Luke 2:21-24 For today, we want to return to our study in the Gospel of Luke because we want to become reacquainted with the real Gospel message. In a world of superficiality and triviality, we all feel the need to return to the old, old story to find out for ourselves what really happened so long ago. To catch you up with where we are in the story, you only need to know one thing at this point: Jesus has…

Why the Bethlehem Shepherds?

Luke 2:1-20 Open your Bibles to Luke’s Gospel, and this morning we are going to continue the narrative that we started at verse 1 in Luke, Chapter 2. And that narrative that starts in verse 1 of Chapter 2, it goes all the way to verse 20. So, we’re going to begin this morning by reading that section. There is so much to see in this passage of Scripture. I am always amazed as I study God’s word to see…

The Birth of Jesus Christ, Part 2

Luke 2:4-7 We are in Luke Chapter 2 this morning, so you can open your Bibles to Luke Chapter 2. Last week we entered into the nativity story, just breaking ground there, looking at the entrance of Jesus Christ into the world as a newborn baby. And that involved, I’ll admit, a bit of a history lesson. I had to take you back to the times of Caesar Augustus, back to the time of Quirinius as he was operating in…

The Birth of Jesus Christ, Part 1

Luke 2:1-3 Well, we are into Chapter 2 of Luke’s Gospel, so please turn in your Bibles there. As we look at Luke Chapter 2 starting in verse 1, it’s fitting here at the end of the year as we’re looking ahead to another Christmas season that we come into this portion of Scripture. We’re going to end the year celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and I’d like to begin this morning by just reading…