"Kingdom of God" Tagged Teaching

"Kingdom of God" Tagged Teaching

Strive to Enter the Kingdom

Luke 13:22-24 As we reengage our minds in the study of Luke’s Gospel, I’d just invite you to turn back again to that, beloved book, and you can turn to the middle of Luke 13, Luke chapter 13. We are entering into a new section in this place, Luke 13:22, a new section in, in this Gospel. It’s got a clear theme and it starts in Luke 13:22 and continues on through Chapter 16. It’s a section here of strong…

How His Kingdom Comes

Luke 13:18-21 If you could turn in your Bibles to Luke, Chapter 13, we are finishing up a section today. Two brief parables from Jesus, and you’ll find them in Luke 13:18 to 21. Luke 13:18 to 21. Two simple parables. But once again, we find, what appears to be simple on the surface is profoundly searching and at the same time profoundly encouraging to us.  Jesus said, “Therefore,” Luke 13:18, “He said therefore, ‘What is the kingdom of God…