"Judgment" Tagged Teaching

"Judgment" Tagged Teaching

The Lamentation of the King

Luke 19:41-44 I would like to invite you to turn in your Bibles to Luke chapter 19. In the section we’re in this morning, Luke 19:41-44, this is the end of the travel section. It does wrap up this section that began back in Luke 9:51, and the next section, starting in verse 45 of chapter 19, even though it’s not quite the end of the chapter, that is actually the beginning of a new section in Luke’s Gospel. So…

Settle Out of Court

Luke 12:54-59 It’s good to be back to this text in Luke chapter 12. I’m so glad to be back here. I, I learn so much every single week from the Lord Jesus Christ and how he deals with people, how he deals with situations. And this text is, is no different. He’s actually going to be addressing the crowds today, which is, we’ve been, we’ve been going through the text and seeing him really teaching and training the disciples,…