"Jesus the Messiah" Tagged Teaching

"Jesus the Messiah" Tagged Teaching

The King Prepares His Procession, Part 1

Luke 19:28-30 We are steadily making our way through Luke’s Gospel and today we find ourselves in Luke 19, and you can turn in your bibles to Luke 19:28 as we enter into the final week of Jesus’, well we could say his pre resurrection life, his pre glorified life, his final week before the cross. So just one more week left in Luke’s Gospel, but it’ll take us a little longer than a week to go through it. That’s…

The Theology of the Messiah’s Growth

Luke 2:49-52 Last week we started reading the story of Jesus as a 12-year-old boy, visiting the temple, and you can find that story at the end of Chapter 2. We’re going to start there reading this morning in Chapter 2, verse 40. Like I said, we’ll just begin by reading the account this morning and refresh ourselves with the truths that are here. It says in verse 40,  “The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the…