"Jesus' Death" Tagged Teaching
Why We Follow, Part 2
Luke 9:24-27 Let’s open our Bibles to Luke 9:23. Today we hope to finish studying this what is really a challenging, challenging call to discipleship that’s been issued by Jesus Christ. Luke 9:23,that verse says, “He said to all, ‘If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily, and follow me.’” And that call sounds as radical in our day as it did in his. It strikes our ears as a severe…
The Deliverance of Discipleship
Luke 9:23 Back on January 20th, we got an introduction to this most pivotal text, Luke 9:23. If you’re not there already, I’d ask you to turn there in your Bibles, Luke 9:23. We want to return, there, today. It’s probably fair to say that we’ve all been arrested by this text. I certainly have. In fact, I kind of feel like Peter at the Transfiguration. I just want to make some booths and camp here for a long, long…
The Scandalous Offense of the Cross
Luke 9:23 Please take your Bibles and turn them to Luke chapter 9. We come in our study of God’s Word this morning to one of the most defining and one of the most descriptive verses in the Christian faith. It really is a verse that captures in a nutshell exactly what it means to be a Christian, it’s in Luke 9, verse 23. If you’re visiting with us today, or if you’ve been visiting Grace Church, in and out,…