"James" Tagged Teaching
Patience in Suffering
James 5:7-11
The Common Problem of Practical Atheism
James 4:13-17 James 4:13-17, we’ll be finishing up James 4 today. So we come to this new section in the epistle of James. If you remember from last week, the previous section ended, and it was a very convicting command to God’s people to not slander, and then the implications of why that is such a serious sin. One of the things that brought the most conviction to many of us out of that passage is just how serious the…
The Serious Sin of Slander
James 4:11-12Please turn in your Bibles, if you’re not there already, to James 4. Today we come into a section of Scripture that I do pray God would use to preserve our church and to strengthen our church, that each of us today might have our eyes opened and hearts softened to the severity of one of the most common and accepted sins within Christian culture. This is the dangerous sin of slander, to speak against someone, to make an…
The Character of True Repentance
James 4:7-10
The Great Danger of Friendship with the World
James 4:4-6 If you would turn to James chapter 4; it’s been a little over a month since I was up here last, and in that sermon, we began to look at chapter 4 of this letter together, and those first three verses in chapter 4. And I really do believe that those make for a good one-off sermon because of how intensely practical they are in helping us to think about and to deal with conflict righteously. And I…
The Key to Understanding Conflict
Jame 4:1-3
The Wisdom from Above
James 3:17-18 If you would take your Bibles and turn to James 3, as we come to the end of this passage, we’re finishing up this section from verses 13-18. And as you’re turning there, I just want to begin our time because we’re going to spend a little time in review by reading from this section, just making sure the whole section is firmly planted in our minds as we head into the text today. In verses 13-18 of…
Diagnosing the Wrong Kind of Wisdom
James 3:14-16 We’re going to be returning to the section at the end of James 3 that we started covering last week, and which we will finish up next week. Last week we only really covered the first verse of James 3:13-18, as we took the rhetorical question that James asked at the beginning of verse 13. And then we used it as an opportunity to kind of jump in, make sure that we had a good understanding of what…
The Question of Wisdom
James 3:13 Today we’re in the book of James. So if you’d open your Bibles to James chapter 3, James chapter 3, we’re continuing on in this book, and it’s a new section of the book from the last time I was up here. We’ll be beginning to look at the section which is in verses 13-18 of James chapter 3. We saw, if you remember maybe a month ago or so, the first 12 verses in this chapter were…
The Weight of Our Words, Part 2
James 3:5-12 James chapter 3, we will be continuing today in the section that we started last week, the section of the letter of James on the subject of the importance of Christian speech, the importance of how we use our tongue. And just once again, as a reminder when we talk about this topic, you should apply it to text messages, emails, social media comments you make. Ah, now it’s getting more convicting, huh? That is part of the…