10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO

"Gods Immortal Spirit" Tagged Teaching

Knowing and Loving the Immortal Spirit

Last time we finished the first subheading under the first major category of theology proper that we’re calling God’s greatness, and we talked about God as immortal spirit. You guys remember what God’s immortal spirit involves, as we were talking about that doctrine. Okay, don’t worry because we’ll review it. Alright?  I, I, had intended today to start into the second subheading…

The Attributes of God’s Greatness: Immortal Spirit

Okay, so last time we talked about the fundamental attribute of God’s being, the fact that he is, he is, and that he is the living God. And we identified that by the, by virtue of the references to him as Elohim, that is, a plural of majesty, allowing for a plural, plurality of person. And yet he’s restricted to oneness. He…