"God's attributes" Tagged Teaching
The Attributes of God’s Greatness: God Unchanging
This, this study of God, theology proper, we’ve divided God’s attributes, as we’ve said, into two, basically the attributes two categories: the attributes of greatness and the attributes of glory, or goodness, I’m sorry, can’t stop thinking about his glory. So, attributes of greatness and attributes of goodness. Okay, greatness and goodness. In talking about God’s greatness, we’ve looked at his greatness as those attributes that pertain, first of all, to God as immortal spirit. And that’s the section we’re…
The Attributes of God’s Greatness: God Lives
Travis: I’m going to get right into review. Last, last time we looked at the fundamental. We were talking about the fundamental incomprehensibility of God, and we talked about that in conjunction with the knowability of God. You may remember, we read from the Athanasian Creed. One God in Trinity, Trinity and Unity and all that, right? We read from Augustine’s Christian doctrine on the Trinity. Some staggering truths in those writings and they illustrate what we read in Scripture…