"Glory of God" Tagged Teaching

"Glory of God" Tagged Teaching

Evangelism from Heaven

Luke 2:8-14 We’re continuing this fascinating study, the infancy narratives, which tell us the story about how God sent his Son, how the Son of God entered the world as a newborn baby, swaddled, laid in a manger. And as you’re turning there to Luke 2:8, let me just read a couple of verses from John’s gospel. Some of the themes flowing through the current of our text this morning, John highlights in his prologue: themes of light and glory…

Why God is Great

Luke 1:49-53 Let’s get into the word of God this morning. As we come to our time in God’s word this morning,you can open your Bibles to Luke Chapter 1 and verse 46. Luke 1:46.We’re going to continue our study of Mary’s Magnificat. We’ll read it together again as we get started this morning. While you’re turning there, in Psalm 113, the psalmist asks one of the best rhetorical questions in all of Scripture. Psalm 113 verse 5, the psalmist…