"Fellowship" Tagged Teaching
Tests of Christian Fellowship
Luke 9:49-50 For our time in God’s Word this morning, we’ve come to a, really come to an important mile-marker in the Gospel of Luke, so go ahead and turn to Luke 9:49-50. It’s our text for this morning, and it’s also, as I said, an important mile-marker that you’ll see for yourself. Today, by God’s grace as we get through this hour together, this marks the end of Jesus’ Galilean ministry as recorded by Luke, back in Luke 4:14.…
Communion: The Fellowship of the Church
Selected Scriptures We’re going through a little series that we’re calling Support Your Local Church. Support Your Local Church. Usually in the pulpit here, we go verse by verse through a passage of Scripture, but we’re breaking from our normal regular study of the Gospel of Luke to address a vital topic, the topic of local church membership, local church involvement. This is our third week in the series. We’ve already seen from Scripture the purpose of the local church…