"Evangelism" Tagged Teaching (Page 2)
Responding to the Invitation, Part 1
Luke 14:15-20 We were in Luke 14 this morning looking at Jesus’ parable of the great banquet, which some refer to as the parable of the excluded guests. It is both of those things. It’s a parable of profound meaning of pointed significance. It’s intended to confront the falsely assured. Those in danger of rejecting God’s gracious invitation to them to come, to come. And so today, in this text, and what will cover today and next week, it will…
Associate with the Lowly
Luke 14:12-14 Well, we are back in Luke 14. Jesus teaching on the subject of humility and he’s doing that while he is sharing company with the proud, eating a meal. He’s been invited to dine at the house of a ruler of the Pharisees on a Sabbath day. It’s after, an after-synagogue dinner, hosted by a wealthy powerful man, probably located in Jerusalem. And they, he and the guests, they are watching him carefully. They were watching because they…
Take the Lowest Place
Luke 14:7-11 Let’s turn our attention now to Luke Chapter 14. If you’re not there, you can take your Bible and turn there to Luke 14. Last week we started into the first 24 verses, at which we said is a single unit of thought, as a single theme governing that whole section where Jesus is in the home of a Pharisee, he’s exposing and confronting pride, but he’s doing so in an indirect way by teaching about humility. So…
Truth Known Too Late
Luke 13:25-30 Truth Known Too Late Luke 13:25-30 May 23, 2021 Let’s go to Luke chapter 13. Luke 13. We’re going to continue what we started last week. Luke 13, and you can find your way to verse 22. Jesus is going to expand in what we’re going to cover today, he’s going to expand on the thesis that we covered last week, strive to enter through the narrow door. We learned last week thatthe word strive, agonizomai, it came…
Strive to Enter the Kingdom
Luke 13:22-24 As we reengage our minds in the study of Luke’s Gospel, I’d just invite you to turn back again to that, beloved book, and you can turn to the middle of Luke 13, Luke chapter 13. We are entering into a new section in this place, Luke 13:22, a new section in, in this Gospel. It’s got a clear theme and it starts in Luke 13:22 and continues on through Chapter 16. It’s a section here of strong…
How His Kingdom Comes
Luke 13:18-21 If you could turn in your Bibles to Luke, Chapter 13, we are finishing up a section today. Two brief parables from Jesus, and you’ll find them in Luke 13:18 to 21. Luke 13:18 to 21. Two simple parables. But once again, we find, what appears to be simple on the surface is profoundly searching and at the same time profoundly encouraging to us. Jesus said, “Therefore,” Luke 13:18, “He said therefore, ‘What is the kingdom of God…
Evangelism and the Mercy of God
Luke 8:34-39 Turn in your Bibles to Luke chapter 8. We have been working our way, over the past couple of weeks, through this amazing account of deliverance, as Jesus rescues a man from a severe, very severe case of demonic possession. The whole story is there in Luke 8:26-39. I’m gonna read the first part for you, the parts that we’ve covered, provide a little bit of review. If you’re there in Luke 8, follow me as I read…
The Tragedy of Fruitless Christianity
Luke 8:13-14 It is a joy to return again, once again to our study of Luke’s gospel. So I’d invite you to turn in your Bibles. Open them to Luke chapter 8. We’re studying the parable of the sower also known probably more accurately as the parable of the soils, the parable of the soils in Luke chapter 8. The parable that Jesus tells here, it doesn’t have to do with the sower per se, but it has to do…
The Devilish Barrier of Bad Religion
Luke 8:10-12 When his disciples asked him what this parable meant, he said, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God, but for others they are in parables, so that seeing they may not see and hearing they may not understand. Now the parable is this. The seed is the word of God. The ones along the path are those who have heard, and the devil comes and takes away the word from…
The Powerful Purpose of Parables
Luke 8:4-10 Let’s take our Bibles in hand and turn over to Luke 8. Luke 8. As I’ve said, we’re going to be looking at the first part here of the Parable of the Sower, Luke 8:4 through 10. And then we’re going to get to the rest of that parable, the explanation of the parable that Jesus gives, we’ll get to that next week. As you heard when we read in Scripture reading just a moment ago, the Parable…