10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO

"End Times" Tagged Teaching

Desolation and Abomination

Selected Scriptures We come to a point in our study of the Olivet Discourse where it’s time for us to pause for a bit, and we want to clarify an interpretive issue here in the text. We’ve come through, as you know, through Jesus’ prediction concerning one of the most dreadful events in history, which is the destruction of Jerusalem and its…

The Beginning of Birth Pains, Part 3

Luke 21:9-11 Well, as we come back to our study of the Olivet Discourse, I’d ask you to turn into your Bibles to Luke, chapter 21, Luke 21. If you have been with us over the past couple of weeks, you know that we’ve been looking at this first section of Jesus’ answer to the disciples’ questions, questions that are put to…

The Beginning of Birth Pains, Part 2

Luke 21:8 You can turn in your Bibles to Luke 21, Jesus’ prophecy about the End Times and about his return to earth; the Second Coming. This prophecy comes in response, as we’ve seen, to a question from Jesus’ disciples. Jesus had predicted the divine judgment that would come upon the city of Jerusalem and its temple, Luke 21:5 and 6, which…

How to Listen to the Olivet Discourse

Luke 21:8 Well, as we return to our study of the Olivet Discourse, I invite you back to Luke 21, Luke 21. And today we will begin by reading Jesus’ answer to his disciples’ questions about the destruction of the temple. There are questions about the coming desolation of Jerusalem and its temple and how all that relates to the end; and…