"Easter" Tagged Teaching

"Easter" Tagged Teaching

Implications of the Resurrection

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 My name is Josh Oedy. I’m one of the pastors here at Grace Church, and it is my joy and really a special privilege for me to be able to open the Word with you on this Resurrection Sunday. This is the day that Christians gather together in churches around the world, and we give special attention to the most significant event in the history of the world, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On Friday night we…

The Procession of the King

Luke 19:35-40 We are back in Luke 19 today, Luke 19, the coronation procession of Jesus Christ as his journey is coming to a close in Jerusalem. As we’ve seen in our studies so far, Jesus arrived with his disciples in Bethany on a Friday, on Friday, March 27th in AD 33. He and his disciples spent the evening there in Bethany the next day as well, the Sabbath. They were there with disciples in the region, friends like Lazarus,…

The King Prepares His Procession, Part 2

Luke 19:31-34 Well, we’re back in Luke 19 today, so you can turn there in your Bible. Last week, we introduced the triumphal entry, this section of the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, the Lord’s coronation procession into Jerusalem, and started to see his preparations that he’s making to enter the city as its king. So as you can see, this is the perfect Mother’s Day message. Chose this specifically for you moms.   I talked to quite…

The King Prepares His Procession, Part 1

Luke 19:28-30 We are steadily making our way through Luke’s Gospel and today we find ourselves in Luke 19, and you can turn in your bibles to Luke 19:28 as we enter into the final week of Jesus’, well we could say his pre resurrection life, his pre glorified life, his final week before the cross. So just one more week left in Luke’s Gospel, but it’ll take us a little longer than a week to go through it. That’s…

Jesus Came to Seek and Save the Lost

Luke 19:10  Well, as we come to God’s word this morning and consider the significance of the resurrection for us today, I want to direct your attention to a single verse in Luke’s Gospel, which is Luke 19:10. Luke 19:10. You can turn there in your Bibles. And Luke 19:10 says, “The Son of man came to seek and to save the lost.”If you’re visiting here to Grace Church, we’re so glad you’ve joined us on this Easter Sunday, this…

The Abiding Power of the Cross

Selected Scriptures Before we come to the Lord’s table tonight, I’d like to take a few minutes to reflect on the power of the cross that we have just sung about, the power of the cross that has saved us from eternal death and hell, separation from God, and think about the abiding power of the cross for us as believers. I realize that on a night like this, on a weekend like this, Good Friday and then Easter Sunday…

Abounding in Resurrection Certainty

1 Corinthians 15:20-28 Last weekend, it was a wonderful weekend for celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Every year, we proclaim the resurrection on Easter Sunday, and because we know that people visit our church who may not know Jesus Christ personally, we like to use that opportunity every year to make sure they get a very clear gospel presentation. That’s what I endeavored to do last week.   And I have to admit that I have mixed emotions about that.…

The Full Message of God’s Salvation

Acts 13:23-41 When all our praise is directed to our God, the Living God who saves us. Who called us to a holy calling and who is alone worthy of all of our glory and honor and praise. Among all of his manifold mercies, are God sent Jesus Christ to live and to die, and to rise again in order to save us from our sins.  Somebody asked me what I planned to preach for resurrection Sunday. We’ve been working…

Why Jesus Endured the Cross

Psalm 22:21-31 We come to our time in God’s Word this morning. I want to invite you to turn in your Bibles to the 22nd Psalm. We’re going to finish what we started last week in Psalm 22 as we consider what Jesus endured on the cross. And you remember as we looked at Psalm 22 in preparation for Passion Week, we looked back at that Psalm because Jesus had intentionally directed us there from the cross. He cried out…
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