"Divine Authority" Tagged Teaching
Sons of the Resurrection
Luke 20:34-40 Well, we are in Luke 20 this morning, and in our study as we come to the text, we find Jesus fending off yet another attack, and this time from the Sadducees. We started into this text last week, and by God’s grace we’ll finish it up this morning. As I looked at my notes this morning, I realized I could have cut this into another half. So that’s three halves. Three sermons could have done that, but…
The Authority Controversy, Part 2
Luke 20:5-8 Well, we are back in Luke 20 and the authority controversy that erupted in Israel. And so you can turn to Luke 20 to see this authority controversy that erupted in Israel when Jesus came to the Temple, reclaimed the Temple for God. Last week I got through half my points, which was more than half of my sermon, and so I chopped it off right in the middle. And I’ve been able to go back to the…
The Return to Divine Authority
Alright, let’s, let’s open in a word of prayer. Father, thank you so much for a wonderful day that we have had in your presence and with one another. It is such a joy to see the life of Christ in each and every one of us as we fellowship around the word and as we share life together. We thank you for this hour that we get to come together and think deeply about the things of you about…