10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO

"Discipleship" Tagged Teaching (Page 8)

The Faith of the Centurion, Part 2

Luke 7:6-10 I want to welcome you back to part 2 of what we began last week.  So you will want to grab your Bibles and turn over to Luke 7.  Let’s finish the story of the faith of the centurion.  We’re going to start here, as we do, by reading the account, followed by a short review, and then we’ll pick…

The Faith of the Centurion, Part 1

Luke 7:1-5 We are in Luke Chapter 7. We’re going to be opening, looking in that opening narrative there on the remarkable faith of a soldier. The faith of a Roman centurion. I wanna start this morning by reading that text, so read along with me if you have your Bibles open to Luke 7, 1 through 10. “After he had finished…

Benefits of Abiding in Christ

1 John 2:28-3:3 I’m not alone, I think when I acknowledge how challenging looking back on the Sermon on the Mount, how challenging that teaching proved to be. It’s very convicting, I think, to concentrate so intently on Jesus’ preaching, his sermon, and for months on end, I look back, I think we started that series on the Sermon on the Mount…

How to Be an Excellent Disciple: Fidelity

Luke 6:46-49 J.C. Ryle wrote, “It has been said with much truth that no sermon should conclude without some personal application to the consciences of the listeners.”  That’s what we’ve been getting from Jesus week by week.  What Ryle continues by saying, he calls it a “solemn and heart-searching conclusion to a most solemn discourse.”  I have certainly found that in my…

How to Be an Excellent Disciple: Fecundity

Luke 6:43-45 We are coming to the end of the Sermon on the Mount and just this week, actually, and next to finish it.  Don’t want to waste any time this morning, but get right into the text.  So Luke, chapter 6.  We’ll start reading in verse 39.  Here is the conclusion of Jesus’ sermon and here in the conclusion, we’re finding…

How to Be an Excellent Disciple: Humility

Luke 6:41-42 We’re coming to the conclusion on the Sermon on the Mount. And we’re actually in a little series here at the end of this Sermon on the Mount, identifying principles that lead us to excellence in discipleship.  Jesus, as we’ve been saying, he gives us here four principles of discipleship in this final section, Luke 6:39-49.  It starts with the…

How to Be an Excellent Disciple: Authority

Luke 6:39-40 We’re looking at Luke 6 verses 39 and running to the end of the chapter.  This is the final section of Luke’s record,  record of the Sermon on the Mount.  I wanted to, while you’re turning there just wanted to thank Lee Barton for opening the Word for us last week.  Such an insightful, thought-provoking exposition of Psalm 2.  In…

How to Be an Excellent Disciple

Luke 6:39-49 We’re going to be looking at the final section of that sermon that starts in Luke 6:39 and runs all the way to the end of the chapter.  This is the third major section of the Sermon on the Mount.  In the first section, which ran from verses 20-26, Jesus identified his true disciples as the poor, the weeping, the…

Becoming Disciples of Divine Love

Luke 6:27-49   Luke 6:27.  We are continuing our study of Luke and his unique and powerful record of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.  We have noted before that this sermon, the Sermon on the Mount, may be Jesus’ most famous sermon.  His most well-known sermon.  It contains the Beatitudes, which we’ve already studied and come through.  It also contains like well-known…