"Discipleship" Tagged Teaching (Page 8)

"Discipleship" Tagged Teaching (Page 8)

How to Be an Excellent Disciple: Fidelity

Luke 6:46-49 J.C. Ryle wrote, “It has been said with much truth that no sermon should conclude without some personal application to the consciences of the listeners.” That’s what we’ve been getting from Jesus week by week. What Ryle continues by saying, he calls it a “solemn and heart-searching conclusion to a most solemn discourse.” I have certainly found that in my life and I believe that all of you have as well. We also find here some great comfort,…

How to Be an Excellent Disciple: Fecundity

Luke 6:43-45 We are coming to the end of the Sermon on the Mount and just this week, actually, and next to finish it and don’t want to waste any time this morning, but get right into the text. So Luke, chapter 6. We’ll start reading in verse 39. Here is the conclusion of Jesus’ sermon and here in the conclusion, we’re finding some principles for discipleship. This is vital instruction for our discernment, for our protection, for edification as…

How to Be an Excellent Disciple: Humility

Luke 6:41-42 We’re coming to the conclusion on the Sermon on the Mount. And we’re actually in a little series here at the end of this Sermon on the Mount, identifying principles that lead us to excellence in discipleship. Jesus, as we’ve been saying, he gives us here four principles of discipleship in this final section, Luke 6:39-49. It starts with the principle of authority, which we looked at last week, verses 39-40. The principle of humility, verses 41-42. That’s…

How to Be an Excellent Disciple: Authority

Luke 6:39-40 We’re looking at Luke 6 verses 39 and running to the end of the chapter. This is the final section of Luke’s rec, record of the Sermon on the Mount. I wanted to, while you’re turning there just wanted to thank Lee Barton for opening the Word for us last week. Such an insightful, thought-provoking exposition of Psalm 2. In case you missed it, it is available on our website. You can download that, listen to it during…

How to Be an Excellent Disciple

Luke 6:39-49 We’re going to be looking at the final section of that sermon that starts in Luke 6:39 and runs all the way to the end of the chapter. This is the third major section of the Sermon on the Mount. In the first section, which ran from verses 20-26, Jesus identified his true disciples as the poor, the weeping, the hungry, the reviled. After identifying his audience, the targets of his sermon, he turned his attention in the…

Becoming Disciples of Divine Love

Luke 6:27-49   Luke 6:27.  We are continuing our study of Luke and his unique and powerful record of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.  We have noted before that this sermon, the Sermon on the Mount, may be Jesus’ most famous sermon.  His most well-known sermon.  It contains the Beatitudes, which we’ve already studied and come through.  It also contains like well-known as the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”  That’s contained here…

Ten Reasons to Rejoice When Persecuted

Luke 6:22-23 We are wrapping up our study of just the beatitudes. As we go through our exposition of the Gospel of Luke, the beatitudes here in Luke’s gospel, Luke 6:20-23, is really the introduction for the entire Sermon on the Mount. And today we’re going to continue what we began last time, a couple of weeks ago, in Luke 6:22-23, “blessed are the despised.”  Let’s, let’s begin as we’ve been doing by reading those beatitudes again together. Starting in…

Blessed Are the Despised

Luke 6:22-23 We are studying the beatitudes, which is the introduction to Jesus’ most well-known sermon. The, this introduction to the sermon, I think, in my mind anyway, it’s been nothing short of revolutionary. Not in the political sense, not in any social, economical, or political statement. Any of that would be too shallow for this. Jesus, is as revolutionary in the sense that Jesus has introduced a new and a profoundly countercultural worldview. This is a worldview here that…

Blessed Are the Weeping

Luke 6:21 “Luke 6:21, Blessed are you who weep now for you shall laugh.” Want to begin though, as we have been doing, by reading the whole section, the beatitudes in Luke’s gospel, “Luke 6:20-26.” And, I think probably by now you ought to have these beatitudes memorized, because we keep reading it week after week. And I, personally, never get tired of that. And I hope that, hope that you’ve enjoyed this as well. Let’s look at Luke 6:20-26.…