"Discipleship" Tagged Teaching (Page 4)
The Danger of Religious Hypocrisy
Luke 12:1 It’s a joyful opportunity I have of week by week opening up Luke’s Gospel and we are entering into a new chapter in our study. So I’d invite you to turn there, if you haven’t already, turn your bibles to Luke chapter 12. Today’s sermon is really going to be aimed at setting up this incredibly hopeful chapter and so, so timely. Luke 12 is a chapter on discipleship. That is the theme, that’s what’s modeled here by…
Deconstructing Unbelief
Luke 11:45-54 Luke chapter 11. In our study of Luke’s Gospel, we’re in Luke 11. You can turn there in your Bibles. We’re actually wrapping up a section here, which is about Jesus’ confrontation with some scribes and Pharisees, and I’ll just take a few minutes here to get you up to speed. In this final section of the 11th chapter of Luke’s Gospel, we find Jesus here in the home of a Pharisee. He has been invited to this…
Diagnosing Hypocrisy
Luke 11:42-44 As we a continue our exposition of Luke’s Gospel, we’re going to consider the subject of spiritual hypocrisy, which is not a, a topic that is for meant for comfortable or easy listening. So, if you’re feeling uncomfortable in the topic and the subject as we get into this, believe me, I sympathize. This is a subject that really should for all of us, prompt sincere self-examination, which we are going to endeavor to do together today. You’ll…
Access to God the Father
Luke 11:2 We are in a study of Luke chapter 11, verses 2-4, Jesus teaching his disciples to pray. He said to them in Luke 11:2-4, “When you pray, say, ‘Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation.” I need to admit, here, right from the start—because I know you’re thinking it…
What It Means to Call God Father
Luke 11:2-4 We are in a study of the Lord’s Prayer, Luke 11:2-4, and as we’re in the habit of doing, we’re going to begin this morning just by reading that text, just that portion, starting in Luke 11:1, “Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.’ And he said to them, ‘When you pray, say: “Father, hallowed be…
Before You Call God Father
Luke 11:2 If you have your Bibles, you’ll want to open them to Luke chapter 11. We’re going to get into Christ’s most basic instruction, here, on how to pray, which puts us into the first set of petitions, which have to do with God and his interests. So this addresses God as “Father.” We’re going to make a connection to what we learned in our conference weekend, that the answer to our mortality is God. The reason for no…
The Fourfold Privilege of Prayer
Luke 11:1 Last week we began to introduce a series on the Lord’s Prayer from Luke chapter 11, so I’d invite you to turn back to Luke chapter 11. Today we intend to finish our introduction. Last week was part 1 of the introduction; this is part 2. So today we’re going to try to gain a greater appreciation for the gift of prayer that we have received from God in Christ. As you know, last week the sermon was…
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Luke 11:1 I’d like to invite you to turn to Luke chapter 11. If you’re new to Grace Church, we want to welcome you to a study that’s been in progress for quite a while, now. We’re studying Luke’s Gospel, and we find ourselves in the eleventh chapter, which means we are embarking on a new study. For the next several weeks, we’re going to be looking at the subject of prayer. Prayer—it is a vital, vital subject. Let’s look at…
One Necessary Thing
Luke 10:38-42 In our study of Luke’s Gospel, we, we have come here to a scene that puts the authenticity of Scripture on display. We see an older, very responsible sister, complaining about her younger sister. So no matter what period of time in history, no matter what culture, some things like sibling conflicts, well, they just don’t change, do they? So you’re going to find that section of Scripture recorded in Luke 10:38-42. This is an account by the…
Reasons Jesus Rejoices, Part 3
Luke 10:21-24 Well, today we wrap up our study on reasons that Jesus rejoices, so we are going to return one more time to Luke 10:21-24. This is not just a wrap-up of this short study, but it’s wrapping up really a whole series on the joy of Jesus and his disciples. It started back in verse 17 when the Gospel messengers that Jesus sent out returned from their Gospel mission, as we saw. Jesus entered into their joy, he…