"Discipleship" Tagged Teaching (Page 3)

"Discipleship" Tagged Teaching (Page 3)

Incentives for Faithful Stewardship, Part 1

Luke 12:41-44 Turn in your Bibles to Luke chapter 12. As you know, we’ve entered into a study on, it’s, it’s themed on the Lord’s return, but it’s a study really on readiness, in light of the Lord’s return, and Christian watchfulness, which is the subject last week. Readiness, watchfulness, eagerness to see our Lord return in light of his soon return, his imminent return. That’s what we read in, from the Apostle John. “Everyone who thus hopes in him…

The Virtue of Watchfulness

Luke 12:35-40 We are back though in Luke, chapter 12, right in the middle of this amazing chapter, and today we’re looking at verses 35 to 40. Some powerful perspective setting, priority setting, teaching from our Lord Jesus Christ. At the end of every year and, a, right around this time, Thanksgiving, Christmas season, I find myself looking back on what’s happened over the past year. And this year is no different. I reflect on events, take stock of what…

A Heart for Kingdom Treasure

Luke 12:32-34 I invite you to turn in your Bibles to Luke 12.  We’re going to be looking at the final few verses in what has been a hugely, hugely encouraging section.  We’re going to start reading back in Luke 12:13.  I just want to read that whole section to get the fuller context in front of us.  So look at Luke 12:13.  “Someone in the crowd said to Jesus, ‘Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.’ …

Live with a Kingdom Perspective

Luke 12:29-32 We are in, as you know, Luke Chapter 12, but that’s not where I want you to turn to first in your Bibles. Not yet. I want you to begin this morning a few chapters earlier, in Luke Chapter 9, Jesus’ call to Christian discipleship, which begins in Luke 9:23. Back when we studied this text, we recognized that Jesus’ call to discipleship really is a radical call. It strikes our ears as rather startling and that is…

What Not to Worry About

Luke 12:22-28 Well, we are in Luke’s gospel—Luke, chapter 12—and we are looking at the subject of anxiety. If you’re a bottom-line kind of person, I’ll let you know up front that Jesus is against it. You need to know more than that, but Jesus understands worry and anxiety. He knows exactly where those sins come from. He also knows that there is no need for it. And so Jesus commands us believers in clear, very direct language, “Do not…

The Parable of the Covetous Fool

Luke 12:16-21 We are continuing our study in Luke Chapter 12 in the theme we started last week. So if you could find your way to Luke 12, a section on covetousness that started in Luke 12:13 and following. There are a few things I wanted to cover last week that I didn’t get to, but that is one of the benefits of expository preaching, that I get to chop it off where I want to and then pick it…

Walking Together as a Church

Ephesians 4-6 We are, as I mentioned in Scripture reading, we are going to be looking at the latter half of Ephesians this morning.  So go ahead and turn your Bibles back to Ephesians chapter 4.  We are going to be beginning at Ephesians 4:1-3.  And we are going to trace the major theme that Paul mentions there of walking the worthy walk and doing that through the last three chapters of Ephesians.  This sermon, I’ll just forewarn you, this…

The Benefits of Fearing God, Part 2

Luke 12:10-12 We are wrapping up what we started last Sunday, just a message on the benefits of fearing God.  And today, we’re looking at Luke 12:10 through 12, where Jesus speaks about our spirit-instructed witness to the truth.  Again, this section is going to be on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and it’s kind of an early preview because the Spirit, according to what we read in Acts Chapter 2, had not yet come to the church.  There…

The Benefits of Fearing God, Part 1

Luke 12:4-9 Grab your bibles, open to Luke 12.  The entry into Luke 12 has been pretty hard hitting, I think.  Personally it’s been hard hitting to me and I think for a number of us as well, and today we’re going to discover the strength and the encouragement that Jesus gives to those who fear God.  In all that has happened already during this pivotal year, the year 2020 has revealed an undeniable reality about America’s spiritual condition.  We’re…

The Remedy for Hypocrisy

Luke 12:2-5 I want to welcome you back to our study in Luke chapter 12.  And we are looking at the subject of religious hypocrisy.  Its danger and its remedy.  Last week we talked about the danger of religious hypocrisy.  Today, the remedy, which is the fear of God.  I’ve been thinking a lot these days about the need for the fear of God in Christian ministry.  And probably, a probably coming to a head as I think about what’s…