"Discipleship" Tagged Teaching (Page 11)

"Discipleship" Tagged Teaching (Page 11)

The Devil’s Temptation of Jesus

Luke 4:1-2 So here in Luke’s gospel, fourth chapter, let’s enter the passage together, just starting with reading the passage about the devil’s temptation of Jesus Christ. Says there in Luke chapter four, verse one. “And Jesus full of the Holy Spirit returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for 40 days, being tempted by the devil, and he ate nothing during those days, when they were ended, he was hungry. The devil said…

Run to Win

1 Corinthians 9:24-27 If you can take your Bibles and open them to 1 Corinthians chapter 9 this morning.  Normally on Sunday mornings, we’re going through, working our way through Luke’s Gospel, but I felt compelled this week to direct our attention to the example of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.  The elders met a couple of weeks ago to discuss some of the amazing things God is doing in our church these days.    We are, all of…

The Testimony of a Senior Saint

Luke 2:36-38 The section that we’re finishing today, looking at the character and the testimony of Simeon and then Anna. It’s provided an opportunity I’ve longed desired. It should not escape our notice, if you’ve read the narrative, if you’ve been with us, that Simeon and Anna just like Zechariah and Elizabeth back in Chapter 1, they were, as the Bible so delicately puts it, they were “advanced in years.”  That is to say they were old people. In Anna’s…

The Testimony of Simeon, Part 2

Luke 2:29-35 As we turn our attention to God’s word this morning, we’re in Luke 2:29. Last week Luke introduced us to Simeon. This man Simeon, he Luke invited us to behold this remarkable man. He is a righteous and devout man. He was living in a remarkably dark time. He was living among apostate people in an apostate city. But even in the darkest of times, we see throughout Scripture, God has preserved a remnant. God has continued to…

The Testimony of Simeon, Part 1

Luke 2:25-30 Today in Luke’s Gospel in Chapter 2, we’re crossing the midpoint of this great chapter, which wraps up the infancy narratives of Jesus, the Messiah, the Savior of the whole world. As we learned last week, Luke has set some context for us so that we’re going to have a deeper theological understanding of what’s recorded here. Some fascinating verses last week, and as we saw starting in verse 2, Luke brought us back for the rest of…

Belong to the People of Promise

Luke 1:54-55 Go ahead and turn in your Bibles to Luke’s Gospel; we are in Luke 1:46–55, the Song of Mary. We’ve been studying Mary’s Magnificat, and we’ve come to the final stanza of just what a wonderful, magnificent song that is. And we want to read the entire song one more time because when we read it today in its entirety, we’re going to leave it behind as we go on next week. So, just to enjoy its beauty…

Why God is Great

Luke 1:49-53 Let’s get into the word of God this morning. As we come to our time in God’s word this morning, you can open your Bibles to Luke Chapter 1 and verse 46. We’re going to continue our study of Mary’s Magnificat. We’ll read it together again as we get started this morning. While you’re turning there, in Psalm 113, the psalmist asks one of the best rhetorical questions in all of Scripture. In Psalm 113:5, the psalmist asks,…

A Practical Guide to Glorifying God

Luke 1:46-49 Well, as we turn to God’s word this morning, we want to enter into the study here of Luke chapter 1. Turn there in your Bibles. We’re getting into a study of a very, very beautiful, joyful portion of Luke’s Gospel. It’s Luke 1:46, and perhaps the best way we can introduce this section of Scripture is just to start by reading the passage together, just let the words of this passage fill the air. So, starting in…