10:30 am Sunday Worship
6400 W 20th St, Greeley, CO

"Discipleship" Tagged Teaching (Page 10)

The Twelve: Solidifying the Rock, Part 3

Luke 6:14 Simon was a Galilean fisherman. He was actually the owner of a small fishing business that he operated on the Sea of Galilee, along with his brother Andrew, two of his friends, the two sons of Zebedee, James and John. Simon was not, not a man who was who had been considered in his day an educated man, though he…

The Twelve: Solidifying the Rock, Part 2

Luke 6:12-16 Luke 6:12 to 16 goes like this, “In these days he,” that is Jesus, “went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God. And when day came, he called his disciples and chose from them twelve, whom he named Apostles: Simon, whom he named Peter, and Andrew his brother, and James and John,…

The Twelve: Solidifying the Rock, Part 1

Luke 6:14 So this is sort of a character study, kind of a meditative study on Peter, and we’ll cover some of the other Apostles as well, not in as much detail as we will Peter, but definitely take some time on Peter. I’d like to introduce our study by starting with a monumental moment in Peter’s life and to look at…

Reconciling with One Another: Repentance

Selected Scriptures   I hope this series has been useful to you and helpful for you in reconciling relationships because the point of all this is to please God, to glorify God, and to reconcile with him, and then to one another. Sin continues to be a reality in this fallen world, and so we need to understand how to deal with…

Reconciling with One Another: Forgiveness

Selected Scriptures Even though we are Christians, we are not completely freed from the presence of sin. We wish it were so, but that day is coming when we will graduate and go to heaven, and then we will be free completely from the presence of sin in ourselves and in other people as well. We look forward to that day, and…

Reconciling with One Another: Confession

Selected Scriptures What I’d like to talk about this morning is biblical reconciliation. We’ll cover that for a couple of weeks, and then we’re going to talk about what biblical repentance looks like, how we work out reconciliation and repentance in our own lives, our life with our families, our life with other Christians in the church, even with people outside of…

The Real Meaning of Discipleship

Luke 5:1-11 In chapter 4, Luke showed us how, early in Jesus’ ministry, there were attempts to oppose and distract Jesus from his mission.  The devil tried to tempt him, the people of Nazareth tried to kill him, the people of Capernaum, they tried to keep him all to themselves.  But Jesus resisted temptation, he escaped from harm, he stayed focused on…

Love Never Puts God to the Test

Luke 4:9-13 By the virtue the two natures one divine, one human joined together, mysteriously in this one person. Jesus is proving to be the impeccable man. That is, a man who does not sin, will not sin, because of his divine nature, not able to sin.   When tested, as we see here, these three times and tested, I think more than…

Not by Bread Alone

Luke 4:1-4 Starting in Luke 4:1, and we’ll read all the way through verse 13.  “And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led up by the Spirit in the wilderness for forty days, being tempted by the devil.  And he ate nothing during those days.  And when they were ended, he was hungry.  The devil said to…