"Church Leadership" Tagged Teaching
Reforming the Evangelical Pulpit
You know, I’m, I’m grateful to be here. Travis asked me to speak this morning on the topic of reforming the evangelical pulpit. And so we’re going to take a look at preaching and the preacher, more particularly here this morning. I though Travis did a, just an outstanding job of showing the need for a conference like this. And his opening remarks on the drift into the outer depths of the sea of what passes for evangelicalism today. Honestly,…
Reforming the Evangelical Pastorate
Well, I’d like to begin this session by reading the main text we’re going to examine. So turn in your Bibles to 1 Thessalonians chapter 2, 1 Thessalonians chapter 2, it’s a, really a vital text on pastoral ministry. Uh, this is a message that is themed around uh, reforming the evangelical pastorates. We’ve heard about reforming the evangelical pulpit and this is about reforming the evangelical pastorate, the pastorate itself. Paul was the quintessential pastor, the young church at…
The Discipline of the Local Church
Selected Scriptures This morning you can open your Bibles to Matthew 18. Can open your Bibles there. You know we ended the time last time there in Matthew 18. We looked at Matthew 16 and Matthew 18, talking about Jesus’ uses of the word church. Two times, two specific times, he addressed the issue of the church, and, recognized and acknowledged both the universal aspects of the church and the local realities of the church of Christ. Basically, we’re talking…